

use LayoutCS;
class CS

This CS layout provides a Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) and Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) implementation for Chapel’s sparse domains and arrays.

To declare a CS domain, invoke the CS initializer in a dmapped clause, specifying CSR vs. CSC format with the param compressRows argument, which defaults to true if omitted. For example:

use LayoutCS;
var D = {0..#n, 0..#m};  // a default-distributed domain
var CSR_Domain: sparse subdomain(D) dmapped CS(compressRows=true); // Default argument
var CSC_Domain : sparse subdomain(D) dmapped CS(compressRows=false);

To declare a CSR or CSC array, use a CSR or CSC domain, respectively. For example:

// assumes the above declarations
var CSR_Array: [CSR_Domain] real;
var CSC_Array: [CSC_Domain] real;

This domain map is a layout, i.e. it maps all indices to the current locale. All elements of a CS-distributed array are stored on the locale where the array variable is declared. By default, the CS layout stores sparse indices in sorted order. However, this default can be changed for a program by compiling with -sLayoutCSDefaultToSorted=false, or for a specific domain by passing sortedIndices=false as an argument to the CS() initializer.