Chapel Prerequisites

If you have a standard UNIX environment, a C/C++ compiler, some basic scripting languages, a GNU-compatible make, and awk installed you should have no problems getting started with Chapel.


In slightly more detail, the following are prerequisites and assumptions about your environment for using Chapel:

  • You are using an environment that supports standard UNIX commands such as: cd, mkdir, rm, echo
  • You have the Bourne shell available at /bin/sh, the C-shell available at /bin/csh, ‘env’ available at /usr/bin/env, and that ‘env’ can locate Perl and Python on your system.
  • You have access to gmake or a GNU-compatible version of make.
  • You have access to standard C and C++ compilers. We test our code using a range of compilers on a nightly basis; these include relatively recent versions of gcc/g++, clang, and compilers from Allinea, Cray, Intel, and PGI.
    • Note that you will need a C++11 compiler to build LLVM or regular expression support (i.e. CHPL_LLVM=llvm or CHPL_REGEXP=re2). If GCC is used, we recommend GCC version 5 or newer for this purpose.
  • Building GMP requires an M4 macro processor.
  • Building LLVM requires cmake version 3.4.3 or later.
  • If you wish to use chpldoc or Chapel’s test system, curl and python-devel (or equivalent packages for your platform) are required.
  • If you wish to use Mason, chapel’s package manager, git is required.
    • The mason system subcommands additionally require pkg-config.


We have used the following commands to install the above prerequisites:

  • CentOS:

    sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ m4 perl python python-devel python-setuptools bash make gawk git
  • Fedora:

    sudo dnf install gcc gcc-c++ m4 perl python python-devel python-setuptools bash make gawk git
  • SLES, openSUSE:

    sudo zypper install gcc gcc-c++ m4 perl python python-devel python-setuptools bash make gawk git
  • Debian, Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get install gcc g++ m4 perl python python-dev python-setuptools bash make mawk git pkg-config
  • FreeBSD:

    sudo pkg install gcc m4 perl5 python py27-setuptools bash gmake gawk git pkgconf