

use BlockCycDist;
class BlockCyclic

This Block-Cyclic distribution maps maps blocks of indices to locales in a round-robin pattern according to a given block size and start index.

Formally, consider a Block-Cyclic distribution with:

rank d
start index (s_1, ...., s_d)
block size (b_1, ...., b_d)
over locales targetLocales: [0..N_1-1, ...., 0..N_d-1] locale

It maps an index (i_1, ...., i_d) to the locale targetLocales[j_1, ...., j_d] where, for each k in 1..d, we have:

j_k = (  (i_k - s_k) / b_k  ) (mod N_k)


This distribution is work in progress and so has significant limitations.

It has not been tuned for performance.

The only idxType currently supported is int or int(64).


The following code declares a domain D distributed over a Block-Cyclic distribution with a start index of (1,1) and a block size of (2,3), and declares an array A over that domain. The forall loop sets each array element to the ID of the locale to which it is mapped.

use BlockCycDist;

const Space = {1..8, 1..8};
const D: domain(2)
  dmapped BlockCyclic(startIdx=Space.low,blocksize=(2,3))
  = Space;
var A: [D] int;

forall a in A do
  a =;


When run on 6 locales, the output is:

0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4
4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

Initializer Arguments

The BlockCyclic class initializer is defined as follows:

proc BlockCyclic.init(
  targetLocales: [] locale = Locales,
  dataParTasksPerLocale    = // value of dataParTasksPerLocale config const
  param rank: int          = // inferred from startIdx argument,
  type idxType             = // inferred from startIdx argument )

The argument startIdx is a tuple of integers defining an index that will be distributed to the first locale in targetLocales. For a single dimensional distribution startIdx can be an integer or a tuple with a single element.

The argument blocksize is a tuple of integers defining the block size of indices that will be used in dealing out indices to the locales. For a single dimensional distribution blocksize can be an integer or a tuple with a single element.

The argument targetLocales is an array containing the target locales to which this distribution maps indices and data. The rank of targetLocales must match the rank of the distribution, or be one. If the rank of targetLocales is one, a greedy heuristic is used to reshape the array of target locales so that it matches the rank of the distribution and each dimension contains an approximately equal number of indices.

The argument dataParTasksPerLocale determines the maximum number of tasks on each Locale for data parallelism.

The rank and idxType arguments are inferred from the startIdx argument unless explicitly set. They must match the rank and index type of the domains “dmapped” using that BlockCyclic instance.

Data-Parallel Iteration

A forall loop over a Cyclic-distributed domain or array executes each iteration on the locale where that iteration’s index is mapped to.