Chapel is an imperative language with statements that may have side effects. Statements allow for the sequencing of program execution. Chapel provides the following statements:
Individual statements are defined in the remainder of this chapter and additionally as follows:
- return The Return Statement
- yield The Yield Statement
- module declaration Modules
- procedure declaration Procedure Definitions
- external procedure declaration Calling External Functions
- exporting procedure declaration Calling Chapel Functions
- iterator declaration Iterator Definitions
- method declaration Class Methods
- type declaration Types
- variable declaration Variable Declarations
- remote variable declaration Remote Variable Declarations
statement The On Statement- cobegin, coforall, begin, sync, serial and atomic statements Task Parallelism and Synchronization
- forall Data Parallelism
- delete Deleting Unmanaged Class Instances
A block is a statement or a possibly empty list of statements that form their own scope. A block is given by
{ statements[OPT] }
statement statements
Variables defined within a block are local variables (Local Variables).
The statements within a block are executed serially unless the block is in a cobegin statement (The Cobegin Statement).
Expression Statements¶
The expression statement evaluates an expression solely for side effects. The syntax for an expression statement is given by
variable-expression ;
member-access-expression ;
call-expression ;
new-expression ;
let-expression ;
Assignment Statements¶
An assignment statement assigns the value of an expression to another expression, for example, a variable. Assignment statements are given by
lvalue-expression assignment-operator expression
assignment-operator: one of
= += -= *= /= %= **= &= |= ^= &&= ||= <<= >>=
The assignment operators that contain a binary operator symbol as a
prefix are compound assignment operators. The remaining assignment
operator =
is called simple assignment.
The expression on the left-hand side of the assignment operator must be a valid lvalue (LValue Expressions). It is evaluated before the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment operator, which can be any expression.
When the left-hand side is of a numerical type, there is an implicit
conversion (Implicit Conversions) of the right-hand side
expression to the type of the left-hand side expression. Additionally,
for simple assignment, if the left-hand side is of Boolean type, the
right-hand side is implicitly converted to the type of the left-hand
side (i.e. a bool(?w)
with the same width w
For simple assignment, the validity and semantics of assigning between classes (Class Assignment), records (Record Assignment), unions (Union Assignment), tuples (Tuple Assignment), ranges (Range Assignment), domains (Domain Assignment), and arrays (Array Assignment) are discussed in these later sections.
A compound assignment is shorthand for applying the binary operator to
the left- and right-hand side expressions and then assigning the result
to the left-hand side expression. For numerical types, the left-hand
side expression is evaluated only once, and there is an implicit
conversion of the result of the binary operator to the type of the
left-hand side expression. Thus, for example, x += y
is equivalent
to x = x + y
where the expression x
is evaluated once.
For all other compound assignments, Chapel provides a completely generic catch-all implementation defined in the obvious way. For example:
inline proc +=(ref lhs, rhs) {
lhs = lhs + rhs;
Thus, compound assignment can be used with operands of arbitrary types,
provided that the following provisions are met: If the type of the
left-hand argument of a compound assignment operator op=
\(L\) and that of the right-hand argument is \(R\), then a
definition for the corresponding binary operator op
exists, such
that \(L\) is coercible to the type of its left-hand formal and
\(R\) is coercible to the type of its right-hand formal. Further,
the result of op
must be coercible to \(L\), and there must
exist a definition for simple assignment between objects of type
Both simple and compound assignment operators can be overloaded for
different types using operator
overloading (Function and Operator Overloading). In such an overload,
the left-hand side expression should have ref
intent and be modified
within the body of the function. The return type of the function should
be void
The Swap Statement¶
The swap statement indicates to swap the values in the expressions on either side of the swap operator. Since both expressions are assigned to, each must be a valid lvalue expression (LValue Expressions).
The swap operator can be overloaded for different types using operator overloading (Function and Operator Overloading).
lvalue-expression swap-operator lvalue-expression
To implement the swap operation, the compiler uses temporary variables as necessary.
When resolved to the default swap operator, the following swap statement
var a, b: real; a <=> b;is semantically equivalent to:
const t = b; b = a; a = t;
The I/O Statement¶
The I/O operator indicates writing to the left-hand-side the value in the right-hand-side; or reading from the left-hand-side and storing the result in the variable on the right-hand-side. This operator can be chained with other I/O operator calls.
The I/O operator can be overloaded for different types using operator overloading (Function and Operator Overloading).
io-expression io-operator expression
io-expression io-operator expression
See the module documentation on I/O for details on how to use the I/O statement.
In the example below,
var w = opentmp().writer(); // a channel var a: real; var b: int; w <~> a <~> b;the I/O operator is left-associative and indicates writing
and thenb
in this case.
The Conditional Statement¶
The conditional statement allows execution to choose between two
statements based on the evaluation of an expression of bool
The syntax for a conditional statement is given by
`if' expression `then' statement else-part[OPT]
`if' expression block-statement else-part[OPT]
`else' statement
A conditional statement evaluates an expression of bool type. If the
expression evaluates to true, the first statement in the conditional
statement is executed. If the expression evaluates to false and the
optional else-clause exists, the statement following the else
keyword is executed.
If the expression is a parameter, the conditional statement is folded by the compiler. If the expression evaluates to true, the first statement replaces the conditional statement. If the expression evaluates to false, the second statement, if it exists, replaces the conditional statement; if the second statement does not exist, the conditional statement is removed.
Each statement embedded in the conditional-statement has its own scope whether or not an explicit block surrounds it.
If the statement that immediately follows the optional then
is a conditional statement and it is not in a block, the else-clause is
bound to the nearest preceding conditional statement without an
else-clause. The statement in the else-clause can be a conditional
statement, too.
Example (conditionals.chpl).
The following function prints
.proc condtest(x:int) { if x > 3 then if x > 5 then write("A,"); else write("B,"); if x == 2 then writeln("two"); else if x == 4 then writeln("four"); else writeln("other"); }
The Select Statement¶
The select statement is a multi-way variant of the conditional statement. The syntax is given by:
`select' expression { when-statements }
when-statement when-statements
`when' expression-list `do' statement
`when' expression-list block-statement
`otherwise' statement
`otherwise' `do' statement
expression , expression-list
The expression that follows the keyword select
, the select
expression, is evaluated once and its value is then compared with the
list of case expressions following each when
keyword. These values
are compared using the equality operator ==
. If the expressions
cannot be compared with the equality operator, a compile-time error is
generated. The first case expression that contains an expression where
that comparison is true
will be selected and control transferred to
the associated statement. If the comparison is always false
, the
statement associated with the keyword otherwise
, if it exists, will
be selected and control transferred to it. There may be at most one
statement and its location within the select statement
does not matter.
Each statement embedded in the when-statement or the otherwise-statement has its own scope whether or not an explicit block surrounds it.
The While Do and Do While Loops¶
There are two variants of the while loop in Chapel. The syntax of the while-do loop is given by:
`while' expression `do' statement
`while' expression block-statement
The syntax of the do-while loop is given by:
`do' statement `while' expression ;
In both variants, the expression evaluates to a value of type bool
which determines when the loop terminates and control continues with the
statement following the loop.
The while-do loop is executed as follows:
- The expression is evaluated.
- If the expression evaluates to
, the statement is not executed and control continues to the statement following the loop. - If the expression evaluates to
, the statement is executed and control continues to step 1, evaluating the expression again.
The do-while loop is executed as follows:
- The statement is executed.
- The expression is evaluated.
- If the expression evaluates to
, control continues to the statement following the loop. - If the expression evaluates to
, control continues to step 1 and the the statement is executed again.
In this second form of the loop, note that the statement is executed unconditionally the first time.
Example (while.chpl).
The following example illustrates the difference between the
and thewhile-do-statement
. The body of the do-while loop is always executed at least once, even if the loop conditional is already false when it is entered. The codevar t = 11; writeln("Scope of do while loop:"); do { t += 1; writeln(t); } while (t <= 10); t = 11; writeln("Scope of while loop:"); while (t <= 10) { t += 1; writeln(t); }produces the output
Scope of do while loop: 12 Scope of while loop:
Chapel do-while loops differ from those found in most other languages in one important regard. If the body of a do-while statement is a block statement and new variables are defined within that block statement, then the scope of those variables extends to cover the loop’s termination expression.
Example (do-while.chpl).
The following example demonstrates that the scope of the variable t includes the loop termination expression.
var i = 0; do { var t = i; i += 1; writeln(t); } while (t != 5);produces the output
0 1 2 3 4 5
The For Loop¶
The for loop iterates over ranges, domains, arrays, iterators, or any
class that implements an iterator named these
. The syntax of the for
loop is given by:
`for' index-var-declaration `in' iteratable-expression `do' statement
`for' index-var-declaration `in' iteratable-expression block-statement
`for' iteratable-expression `do' statement
`for' iteratable-expression block-statement
`zip' ( expression-list )
The index-var-declaration
declares new variables for the scope of
the loop. It may specify a new identifier or may specify multiple
identifiers grouped using a tuple notation in order to destructure the
values returned by the iterator expression, as described
in Splitting a Tuple into Multiple Indices of a Loop.
The index-var-declaration
is optional and may be omitted if the
indices do not need to be referenced in the loop.
If the iteratable-expression begins with the keyword zip
followed by
a parenthesized expression-list, the listed expressions must support
zipper iteration.
Zipper Iteration¶
When multiple iterators are iterated over in a zipper context, on each iteration, each expression is iterated over, the values are returned by the iterators in a tuple and assigned to the index, and then statement is executed.
The shape of each iterator, the rank and the extents in each dimension, must be identical.
Example (zipper.chpl).
The output of
for (i, j) in zip(1..3, 4..6) do write(i, " ", j, " ");is
1 4 2 5 3 6
Parameter For Loops¶
Parameter for loops are unrolled by the compiler so that the index variable is a parameter rather than a variable. The syntax for a parameter for loop statement is given by:
`for' `param' identifier `in' param-iteratable-expression `do' statement
`for' `param' identifier `in' param-iteratable-expression block-statement
range-literal `by' integer-literal
Parameter for loops are restricted to iteration over range literals with an optional by expression where the bounds and stride must be parameters. The loop is then unrolled for each iteration.
The Break, Continue and Label Statements¶
The break- and continue-statements are used to alter the flow of control within a loop construct. A break-statement causes flow to exit the containing loop and resume with the statement immediately following it. A continue-statement causes control to jump to the end of the body of the containing loop and resume execution from there. By default, break- and continue-statements exit or skip the body of the immediately-containing loop construct.
The label-statement is used to name a specific loop so that break
and continue
can exit or resume a less-nested loop. Labels can only
be attached to for-, while-do- and do-while-statements. When a break
statement has a label, execution continues with the first statement
following the loop statement with the matching label. When a continue
statement has a label, execution continues at the end of the body of the
loop with the matching label. If there is no containing loop construct
with a matching label, a compile-time error occurs.
The syntax for label, break, and continue statements is given by:
`break' identifier[OPT] ;
`continue' identifier[OPT] ;
`label' identifier statement
A break
statement cannot be used to exit a parallel loop
The Forall Statement.
Breaks are not permitted in parallel loops because the execution order of the iterations of parallel loops is not defined.
We expect to support a eureka concept which would enable one or more tasks to stop the execution of all current and future iterations of the loop.
In the following code, the index of the first element in each row of
that is equal tofindVal
is printed. Once a match is found, the continue statement is executed causing the outer loop to move to the next row.label outer for i in 1..n { for j in 1..n { if A[i, j] == findVal { writeln("index: ", (i, j), " matches."); continue outer; } } }
The Use Statement¶
The use statement provides access to the constants in an enumerated type
or to the public symbols of a module without the need to use a fully
qualified name. When using a module, the statement also ensures that the
module symbol itself is visible within the current scope (top-level
modules are not otherwise visible without a use
Use statements can also restrict or rename the set of module symbols that are
available within the scope. For further information about use
see Using Modules. For more information on enumerated types, please
see Enumerated Types. For more information on modules in general, please
see Modules.
The Import Statement¶
The import
statement provides one of the two primary ways to access a
module’s symbols from outside of the module, the other being the use
statement. Import statements make either the module’s name or certain symbols
within it available for reference within a given scope. For top-level modules,
an import
or use
statement is required before referring to the module’s
name or the symbols it contains within a given lexical scope.
Import statements can also rename the set of symbols that they make available
within the scope. For further information about import
statements, see
Importing Modules.
For more information on modules in general, please see Modules.
The Defer Statement¶
A defer
statement declares a clean-up action to be run when exiting
a block. defer
is useful because the clean-up action will be run no
matter how the block is exited.
The syntax is:
`defer' statement
At a given place where control flow exits a block, the in-scope
statements and the local variables will be handled in reverse
declaration order. Handling a defer
statement consists of executing
the contained clean-up action. Handling a local variable consists of
running its deinitializer if it is of record type.
When an iterator contains a defer
statement at the top level, the
associated clean-up action will be executed when the loop running the
iterator exits. defer
actions inside a loop body are executed when
that iteration completes.
The following program demonstrates a simple use of defer
to create
an action to be executed when returning from a function:
Example (defer1.chpl).
class Integer { var x:int; } proc deferInFunction() { var c = new unmanaged Integer(1); writeln("created ", c); defer { writeln("defer action: deleting ", c); delete c; } // ... (function body, possibly including return statements) // The defer action is executed no matter how this function returns. } deferInFunction();produces the output
created {x = 1} defer action: deleting {x = 1}
The following example uses a nested block to demonstrate that defer
is handled when exiting the block in which it is contained:
Example (defer2.chpl).
class Integer { var x:int; } proc deferInNestedBlock() { var i = 1; writeln("before inner block"); { var c = new unmanaged Integer(i); writeln("created ", c); defer { writeln("defer action: deleting ", c); delete c; } writeln("in inner block"); // note, defer action is executed no matter how this block is exited } writeln("after inner block"); } deferInNestedBlock();produces the output
before inner block created {x = 1} in inner block defer action: deleting {x = 1} after inner block
Lastly, this example shows that when defer
is used in a loop, the
action will be executed for every loop iteration, whether or not loop
body is exited early.
Example (defer3.chpl).
class Integer { var x:int; } proc deferInLoop() { for i in 1..10 { var c = new unmanaged Integer(i); writeln("created ", c); defer { writeln("defer action: deleting ", c); delete c; } writeln(c); if i == 2 then break; } } deferInLoop();produces the output
created {x = 1} {x = 1} defer action: deleting {x = 1} created {x = 2} {x = 2} defer action: deleting {x = 2}
The Empty Statement¶
An empty statement has no effect. The syntax of an empty statement is given by