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This primer demonstrates tuples.

Tuples are a way of grouping several values together. The number of components in each tuple must be known at compile-time. However, unlike an array, a tuple can store components of different types.

Tuples are a language-supported type. Tuples automatically get assignment and comparison operators.

Tuple indices always start at 1.

Getting Started with Tuples

The easiest way to create a tuple is with a tuple literal. Tuple literals syntax looks like this:

var myTuple = (1, "two");

Now myTuple stores a tuple with two elements: myTuple(1) == 1 and myTuple(2) == 2

assert(myTuple(1) == 1);
assert(myTuple(2) == "two");

As we saw above, to access an individual tuple element, use someTuple(i) or someTuple[i]. The first tuple component is at index 1.

We can assign to a component in our tuple variable

myTuple(2) = "four";

We can print out the tuple. The output format mirrors the Chapel syntax.

writeln(myTuple); // output: (1, four)

Sometimes it's useful in generic code to query the size of a tuple. The .size method returns the size of a tuple.

writeln(myTuple.size); // output: 2

Tuple Types

The syntax for tuple types mirrors the tuple literal syntax.

The following line declares a tuple variable storing an int and a string

var otherTuple: (int, string);

We can assign to that tuple from a variable with the same type:

otherTuple = myTuple;

The following line declares a tuple variable holding 3 real values:

var threeReals: 3*real;
writeln(threeReals); // output: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Tuples that have only one component type support some arithmetic on the components:

threeReals += 1.0;
writeln(threeReals); // output: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

Tuples with only one component type are also called homogeneous tuples.

Tuple Iteration

Tuples with only one component type can be iterated over using a for loop:

var sum = 0.0;
for r in threeReals {
  sum += r;

To iterate over a tuple with multiple component types, use a for param loop. This kind of loop is always unrolled by the compiler so the loop body can use different types in different iterations.

for param i in 1..myTuple.size {
  writeln("myTuple(", i, ") = ", myTuple(i));

Tuple Unpacking

Tuple values can be unpacked into variables during variable initialization:

var (myInt, myString) = otherTuple;
writeln(myInt, " ", myString); // output: 1 four

Or assignment:

var x, y, z: real;
(x, y, z) = threeReals;

It's also possible in for and forall loops:

var ArrayOfTuples: [1..3] (int, real);
for (i,r) in ArrayOfTuples {
  i = 1;
  r = 0.0;

Or in function calls:

proc magnitude( (x,y,z):3*real ) {
  return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
threeReals = (1.0, 2.0, 2.0);
var m = magnitude(threeReals);

Additionally, tuples can be unpacked in the process of making a function call. For example, suppose we have a function accepting individual arguments:

proc add(x, y, z) {
  return x + y + z;

If we want to pass threeReals to it, we could write

add(threeReals(1), threeReals(2), threeReals(3));

but the tuple can be unpacked at the call site like this:

var total = add( (...threeReals) );

One-Element Tuples

Sometimes one needs to create a tuple storing just one element. To do that, just use the following syntax:

var oneTuple = (1.0,);