Array Vector OperationsΒΆ

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Vector operations on arrays have been deprecated for the 1.20 release, and will be removed in future releases. The list type from the List module has been added to the standard library, and is intended to provide suitable replacements for these deprecated operations.

This primer is about vector operations on 1D arrays

1D rectangular arrays support several list-like or vector-like capabilities. These are supported on arrays which have a 1:1 correspondence with their domains. This restriction is because many of these operations modify the array's domain, which would unexpectedly modify other arrays if they shared domains.

Declare a 1D array and initialize it to the values 1..5. The anonymous domain used in this declaration has a 1:1 relationship with the array.

var A: [1..5] int = [i in 1..5] i;
assert(A.domain == {1..5});

writeln("A was initialized to: ", A);

Add an element to the front of the array and one to the back of the array. This will modify the array's domain to become {0..6} and add elements 0 and 6 to the array.

assert(A.domain == {0..5});
assert(A.domain == {0..6});

writeln("After adding to the front and back A is: ", A);

Look at the first and last array elements without modifying the array

writeln("The first and last elements in A are: ", (A.head(), A.tail()));

Remove the two elements added earlier with push_front and push_back. The domain will become {1..5} again.

assert(A.domain == {1..6});
assert(A.domain == {1..5});

writeln("After popping the two elements pushed previously A is: ", A);

Insert values 10, 11 and 12 at indices 4, 3, and 2. The domain will grow by 3 to become {1..8} and the array elements above the inserted positions will be shifted up.

A.insert(4, 10);
A.insert(3, 11);
A.insert(2, 12);
assert(A.domain == {1..8});
writeln("After inserting some new values, A is: ", A);

The method find searches the array for the argument. It returns a tuple containing a bool and an index. If the returned bool is true, the argument was found at the returned index. If the bool is false, the value was not found and the index is unspecified.

var (found, idx) = A.find(10);
if found then
  writeln("Found 10 at index: ", idx);
  writeln("Didn't find 10");

(found, idx) = A.find(7);
if found then
  writeln("Found 7 at index: ", idx);
  writeln("Didn't find 7");

A few other useful methods are available. To demo them, add a few more 5s to the array

assert(A.domain == {0..9});

Count how many times an element is in the array

writeln("The value 5 is in A ", A.count(5), " times.");

Reverse the elements in the array

writeln("Before calling reverse A is: ", A);
writeln("After calling reverse A is: ", A);

Array elements can be removed one at a time by specifying an index to remove. The elements above the removed one will be shifted down.

assert(A.domain == {0..8});
writeln("After first remove A is: ", A);

A range of indices can also be removed

assert(A.domain == {0..5});
writeln("After second remove A is: ", A);

A starting index and a count also work

A.remove(2, 2);
assert(A.domain == {0..3});
writeln("After third remove A is: ", A);

The array is still a normal 1D Chapel array and supports regular array operations such as parallel iteration:

forall i in A.domain {
  A[i] += 1;
writeln("After adding 1 to all elements A is: ", A);

Or reductions:

writeln("The sum of elements in A is ", + reduce A);

The clear method will empty the array completely. If the domain's low bound was low this sets the domain to {low..low-1}

assert(A.domain == {0..-1});
writeln("After clearing, A is: ", A, " - with ", A.size, " elements");