Misc Functions

Additional utilities

proc compilerError(param msg: string ...?n)

Generate a compile-time error. The error text is a concatenation of the arguments.

proc compilerError(param msg: string ...?n, param errorDepth: int)

Generate a compile-time error. The error text is a concatenation of the string arguments.

Arguments:errorDepth -- controls the depth of the error stack trace
proc compilerWarning(param msg: string ...?n)

Generate a compile-time warning. The warning text is a concatenation of the arguments.

proc compilerWarning(param msg: string ...?n, param errorDepth: int)

Generate a compile-time warning. The warning text is a concatenation of the string arguments.

Arguments:errorDepth -- controls the depth of the error stack trace
proc compilerAssert(param test: bool)

Generate a compile-time error if the test argument is false.

proc compilerAssert(param test: bool, param errorDepth: int)

Generate a compile-time error if the test argument is false.

Arguments:errorDepth -- controls the depth of the error stack trace
proc compilerAssert(param test: bool, param msg: string ...?n)

Generate a compile-time error if the test argument is false. The warning text is a concatenation of the string arguments.

proc compilerAssert(param test: bool, param msg: string ...?n, param errorDepth: int)

Generate a compile-time error if the test argument is false. The warning text is a concatenation of the string arguments.

Arguments:errorDepth -- controls the depth of the error stack trace
proc min(x, y ...)

Compute the minimum value of 2 or more arguments using the < operator for comparison. If one of the arguments is Math.NAN, the result is also NAN.

proc max(x, y ...)

Compute the maximum value of 2 or more arguments using the > operator for comparison. If one of the arguments is Math.NAN, the result is also NAN.

proc exit(status: int)

Exit the program

Arguments:status -- The exit code for the program
proc isCoercible(type from, type to) param

Returns true if the type from is coercible to the type to, or if isSubtype(from, to) would return true.

proc isSubtype(type sub, type super) param

Returns true if the type sub is a subtype of the type super. In particular, returns true in any of these cases:

  • sub is the same type as super
  • sub is an instantiation of a generic type super
  • sub is a class type inheriting from super

Note that isSubtype(a,b) can also be written as a <= b or b >= a.

proc isProperSubtype(type sub, type super) param

Similar to isSubtype but returns false if sub and super refer to the same type.

Note that isProperSubtype(a,b) can also be written as a < b or b > a.

proc <(type a, type b) param
proc <=(type a, type b) param
proc >(type a, type b) param
proc >=(type a, type b) param