Error Handling


The Chapel language supports throw, try, try!, catch, and throws which are described below. Chapel supports several error handling modes, and in particular the default for code not in an explicit module declaration is suitable only for prototype code.

For a code-oriented introduction to error handling, refer to the Error Handling primer.

Throwing Errors

Errors may be thrown from a function to its callee with a throw statement. For a function to throw an error, its signature must include a throws declaration. The declaration is put after the return type and before any where clauses.

Only owned instances of a type inheriting from Error can be thrown.

proc canThrow(i: int): int throws {
  if i < 0 then
    throw new owned Error();

  return i + 1;

proc alwaysThrows():int throws {
  throw new owned Error();
  // never reached
  return 1;

Handling Errors

There are three ways to handle an error:

  1. Halt with try!.
  2. Handle the error with catch blocks.
  3. Propagate the error out of the current function with throws.

Halting on error with try!

Marking a throwing call with try! causes the compiler to generate code to halt the program if that call results in an error.

proc haltsOnError():int {
  // the try! next to the throwing call
  // halts the program if an error occurs.
  return try! canThrow(0);

proc haltsOnErrorBlock() {
  try! {

Handling an error with catch

When an error is raised by a call in a try block, the rest of the block is abandoned and control flow is passed to the catch clauses.

catch clauses

catch clause type filters are evaluated in order. If a catch clause's type filter matches, then its block is executed to the exclusion of the others. Hence there is no notion of best match, only a first match.

If no type filter is present on a catch clause, or if no variable is present at all, then it is a catchall clause which matches all errors.

Within a catch clause, for example catch e:SomeError, e is a variable representing the caught error. e will have type owned SomeError.

proc catchingErrors() throws {
  try {
  } catch {
    writeln("caught an error, unnamed catchall");

  try {
    var x = alwaysThrows(-1);
    writeln("never reached");
  } catch e:FileNotFoundError {
    writeln("caught a file not found error");
  } catch e {
    writeln("caught an error, named catchall");

try! with catch

try! is also available in block form and can have catch blocks. If the catch clauses after a try! don't handle the error, the program halts.

proc catchingErrorsHalt() {
  try! {
    var x = alwaysThrows(-1);
    writeln("never reached");
  } catch e:FileNotFoundError {
    writeln("caught a file not found error");
  // errors other than FileNotFoundError cause a halt

Nested try

It is also possible for try blocks to direct their errors to the catch clauses of an enclosing try, if a matching catch clause is not available.

proc nestedTry() {
  try {
    try {
    } catch e: DemoError {
      writeln("caught a DemoError");
    writeln("never reached");
  } catch {
    writeln("caught an Error from inner try");

Propagating an error with throws

A function marked throws can pass along an error thrown by a function called within it.

After catch clauses

Propagation can occur when no matching catch clause is found for an error raised in a try block.

proc catchingErrorsPropagate() throws {
  try {
    var x = alwaysThrows(-1);
    writeln("never reached");
  } catch e:FileNotFoundError {
    writeln("caught an error");
  // errors other than FileNotFoundError propagate

catch-less try

A logical extension of the above is the case where no catch blocks are attached to the try. Here the try keyword marks throwing calls to clarify control flow.

proc propagatesError() throws {
  // control flow changes if an error was thrown;
  // could be indicated more clearly with try

  try canThrow(0);

  try {

  var x = try canThrow(1);

  return try canThrow(0);

try expressions

try and try! are available as expressions to clarify control flow for assignments and returns. The expression form may not be used with catch clauses.

proc expressionTry(): int throws {
  var x = try canThrow(1);

  return try canThrow(0);

For more information on enforcing clear control flow with the compiler, see Strict Mode below.

Complete handling

For a function to handle errors from its calls without itself throwing, its try/catch must be complete. This may be accomplished in two ways:

1. A catchall clause on try. This prevents try from propagating the error out of the function as described above.

proc warnsOnError(i: int): int {
  try {
  } catch e {
    writeln("Warning: caught a error ", e);

2. try! instead of try. This will halt the program if no matching catch clause is found, instead of propagating.

proc haltsOnError(i: int): int {
  try! {
  } catch e: DemoError {
    writeln("caught a DemoError");


When an error is thrown, it is sometimes necessary to clean up state and allocated memory. defer statements facilitate that by running when a scope is exited, regardless of how it is exited.

proc deferredDelete(i: int) {
  try {
    var huge = allocateLargeObject();
    defer {
      delete huge;
      writeln("huge has been deleted");

  } catch {
    writeln("no memory leaks");


It is not possible to throw errors out of a defer statement because the atomicity of all defer statements must be guaranteed, and the handling context would be unclear.

Errors also cannot be thrown by deinit() for similar reasons.


Errors can be thrown by methods, just as with any other function. An overriding method must throw if the overridden method throws, or not throw if the overridden method does not throw.

class ThrowingObject {
  proc f() throws {
    throw new owned Error();

class SubThrowingObject : ThrowingObject {
  // must be marked throws even though it doesn't throw
  proc f() throws {
    writeln("this version doesn't throw");


Errors can be thrown within on statements. In that event, the error will be propagated out of the on statement.

proc handleFromOn() {
  try {
    on Locales[0] {
  } catch {
    writeln("caught from Locale 0");



TaskErrors helps coordinate errors among groups of tasks by collecting them for centralized handling. It can be iterated on and filtered for different kinds of errors.

The implementation of TaskErrors prevents nested coforall statements from producing nested TaskErrors. Instead, the nested errors will flatten into the outer loop's TaskErrors.


Errors can be thrown within a begin statement. In that event, the error will be propagated to the sync statement that waits for that task.

proc handleFromBegin() {
  try! {
    sync {
      begin canThrow(0);
      begin canThrow(1);
  } catch e: TaskErrors {
    writeln("caught from Locale 0");

coforall, cobegin

Errors can be thrown from coforall and cobegin statements, handled as TaskErrors. Note the nested coforall loops, which as mentioned earlier will emit a flattened TaskErrors.

proc handleFromCoforall() {
  try! {
    writeln("before coforall block");
    coforall i in 1..2 {
      coforall j in 1..2 {
        throw new owned DemoError();
    writeln("after coforall block");
  } catch errors: TaskErrors { // not nested
    // all of e will be of runtime type DemoError in this example
    for e in errors {
      writeln("Caught task error e ", e.message());

proc handleFromCobegin() {
  try! {
    writeln("before cobegin block");
    cobegin {
      throw new owned DemoError();
      throw new owned DemoError();
    writeln("after cobegin block");
  } catch errors: TaskErrors {
    for e in errors {
      writeln("Caught task error e ", e.message());


Errors can be thrown from forall too. Although the forall may execute serially on a single task, it will always throw TaskErrors if an error is thrown by the inner loop.

proc handleFromCoforall() {
  try! {
    writeln("before forall block");
    forall i in 1..2 {
      throw new owned DemoError();
    writeln("after forall block");
  } catch errors: TaskErrors {
    for e in errors {
      writeln("Caught task error e ", e.message());

Creating New Error Types

Errors in Chapel are implemented as classes, with a base class Error defined in the standard modules. Error may be used directly, and new hierarchies may be created from it.

A hierarchy for system errors is included in SysError, accessed with a use statement.

use SysError;

class DemoError : Error { }

Error Handling Modes

Chapel currently supports three error handling modes: fatal, relaxed, and strict. Developers can select each mode in the following ways:

  • fatal mode
    • writing code in an implicit module
    • writing code in a prototype module
    • passing the --permit-unhandled-module-errors flag on the chpl command line
  • relaxed mode
    • writing code inside of a module declaration
  • strict mode
    • writing code inside of a module marked with a pragma

It is fully permissible to write for a stricter error handling mode while using a looser one -- in particular, code that compiles in strict mode will also compile in relaxed or fatal mode.

Fatal Mode for Implicit and Prototype Modules

In implicit and prototype modules, it is not necessary to explicitly handle errors from a function that throws. If an error is thrown and the calling function throws, the error will be propagated out of the function. However, if an error is thrown and the calling function does not throw, the program will halt.

This is the fatal error handling mode.

An implicit module is the module the compiler creates to store code not in a module declaration. In particular, all of the statements above this point in this file are in an implicit module called errorHandling. Since the below statements are also not in a module declaration, they are also in an implicit module.

canThrow(1); // handling can be omitted; halts if an error occurs

proc throwsErrorsOn() throws {
  // error propagates out of this function

proc doesNotThrowErrorsOn() {
  // causes a halt if called

Fatal error mode can also be activated for explicit modules using the prototype module declaration:

prototype module PrototypeModule {

  canThrow(1); // handling can be omitted; halts if an error occurs

  proc throwsErrorsOn() throws {
    // error propagates out of this function

  proc doesNotThrowErrorsOn() {
    // causes a halt if called

use PrototypeModule;

Relaxed Mode for Explicit Modules

In non-prototype explicit modules, it is necessary to handle errors if the calling function does not throw. If the calling function does throw, then the error will be propagated out as with implicit modules.

This is the relaxed error handling mode.

module ProductionModule {
  // this line would cause a compilation error since the error is not handled
  // canThrow(1);

  proc throwsErrorsOn() throws {
    // any error thrown by alwaysThrows will propagate out

  // this function does not compile because the error is not handled
  // proc doesNotThrowErrorsOn() {
  //   alwaysThrows();
  // }

use ProductionModule;

Strict Mode

It is possible to request a more restricted error handling mode within a module scope using a pragma. With it, it is necessary to explicitly mark all throwing calls, whether or not the calling function throws. The intent of this restricted mode is to make the control flow clear.

This is the strict error handling mode.

The difference between relaxed and strict mode is that throwing calls in throwing functions need to be marked. This may be accomplished with the catch-less try block, the single statement try, or the assignment try.

It is also possible to use try! in these forms.

pragma "error mode strict"
module StrictModule {
  proc throwsErrorsOn() throws {
    try {
      writeln("never reached");

  proc alsoThrowsErrorsOn() throws {
    try alwaysThrows();

  proc doesNotThrowErrorsOn() {
    try! alwaysThrows();

  proc assignmentTry() throws {
    var x = try alwaysThrows();

Current Limitations

  • Error handling does not work yet with initializers.
  • It is not yet decided whether or not it will be possible to throw from a deinit function.
  • Errors can't currently be thrown from iterators that are not inlined by the compiler
    • note that iterators with a single yield as well as leader and standalone iterators are generally inlined by the compiler