
use MPI;


MPI Bindings for Chapel.


This is a prototype of the MPI interface for Chapel. The feature set, configuration support, and documentation are expected to improve over time.

MPI Version

This module implements the C-API for the MPI 1.1 standard. It currently does not support the following routines


since all of these are built around user-defined handlers, that is not supported.

This module also includes a few functions that are in later MPI standards. These are

MPI_Init_thread (and related constants)

Compiler wrappers

Using MPI requires pointing the compiler to the location of the MPI headers, and including the appropriate MPI libraries. This is often done by using compiler wrappers like "mpicc". Setting CHPL_TARGET_COMPILER=mpi-gnu and CHPL_TARGET_ARCH=none will get Chapel to use mpicc and assume that it works like gcc does.

Note that on Cray systems, this is not necessary, since the default compilers include the necessary MPI information.


Currently, only the gnu compilers wrapped by MPI are supported. This class is expected to broaden in the future.

Interoperability Modes

There are two modes in which Chapel and MPI can interoperate with one another:


SPMD mode (MPI + single locale Chapel) has no constraints on the setup of Chapel and MPI, and is conceptually the same as OpenMP+MPI programming. All communication here is handled by MPI; Chapel is just used to provide local parallelism. Furthermore, in this mode, Chapel locales do not map to MPI ranks at all; the program just sees a single locale. Note that the same caveats that apply to OpenMP+MPI programming apply here. For instance, MPI must be initialized with the appropriate thread support (see below).

Setting up SPMD mode on a Cray:

The recommended configuration for running multilocale MPI jobs on a Cray is as follows:


These are the configurations in which this module is currently tested.


Currently, running SPMD jobs on a Cray requires manually launching the jobs, as opposed to utilizing a built in Chapel launcher. Support for launching SPMD jobs with the built-in Chapel launchers will be added in the future.

Multilocale Mode

Multilocale mode is where both Chapel and MPI communications may be mixed. This allows the user to use optimized/convenient MPI routines when desired, while having access to the Chapel PGAS model. Using this model requires

  1. The MPI library should (and in many cases must) support the MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE support level for threads. This is needed if the user plans on making MPI calls from multiple threads. It is necessary when using the mpi-conduit for GASNet, since the GASNet library may make simultaneous MPI calls. We've had good experience with MPICH and MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE.

Setting up multilocale mode on a Cray:

The recommended configuration for running multilocale MPI jobs on a Cray is as follows:

CHPL_TARGET_COMPILER=cray-prgenv-{gnu, intel}
CHPL_TASKS={qthreads, fifo}   # see discussion below
CHPL_COMM={ugni, gasnet}
CHPL_COMM_SUBSTRATE={aries, mpi}   # if CHPL_COMM=gasnet
AMMPI_MPI_THREAD=multiple         # if CHPL_COMM_SUBSTRATE=mpi

Running under gasnet+aries might require setting MPICH_GNI_DYNAMIC_CONN=disabled. This is discussed here.

These are the configurations in which this module is currently tested. Any launcher should work fine for this mode. Support is expected to expand in future versions.

Qthreads and MPI

Since MPI is not natively Qthread-aware, some care is required to avoid deadlocks. This section describes current recommendations on using CHPL_TASKS=qthreads and the MPI module.

We assume that CHPL_COMM is either ugni or gasnet+aries. We do not recommend using the MPI module with the gasnet+mpi communication backend and qthreads.

  1. Use non-blocking calls whenever possible. Note that this also requires using MPI_Test instead of MPI_Wait. For convenience, we provide wrappers for a subset of the MPI blocking calls that are implemented with non-blocking calls and correctly yield tasks while waiting.
  2. Any blocking calls (including third-party libraries) must be preceded with a call to Barrier.
  3. Blocking calls must be serialized; concurrent blocking calls can result in deadlocks.

Configurations Constants

This module uses two boolean config constants: autoInitMPI and requireThreadedMPI. Refer to their documentation for more information on when to use them.


The GASNet runtime, and therefore Chapel, makes no guarantees that the MPI ranks will match the GASNet locales. This module creates a new MPI communicator CHPL_COMM_WORLD that ensures that this mapping is true. Note that if numLocales is 1, CHPL_COMM_WORLD is identical to MPI_COMM_WORLD, which is the desired behaviour for SPMD mode programs.


  1. Pointer arguments are written as ref arguments, so no casting to a c_ptr is necessary.
  2. An exception to the above is if the C prototype names the argument array_of_*, in which case it is written using an array form.
  3. Some MPI-1.1 functions were deprecated in MPI-2. These should be updated in the future, but are still present in this version.
  4. MPI_Aint is represented by ptrdiff. If this is not the correct size, there will be an assertion failure in the code.

MPI Module Documentation


For items without documentation, please refer to the MPI documentation.

config const autoInitMPI = true

Automatically initializes MPI (if not already initialized by the runtime), and shuts it down as well.

config const requireThreadedMPI = true

Ensures that MPI is running in MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE mode, and will abort if not. This is not necessary if you are running SPMD mode, but is likely to be necessary if you run in multilocale mode.


Define a new communicator that directly maps to Chapel locales. This is just a reordering of MPI_COMM_WORLD, which you are, of course, free to continue to use. This just guarantees that locale ids and MPI ranks agree.

proc initialize()

Helper routine that also sets process IDs (world rank) and number of processes (world size)

proc commRank(comm: MPI_Comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD): c_int

Wrapper to get the rank of the communicator comm. Defaults to MPI_COMM_WORLD, if no communicator is passed in.

proc commSize(comm: MPI_Comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD): c_int

Wrapper to get the size of the communicator comm. Defaults to MPI_COMM_WORLD, if no communicator is passed in.

proc Wait(ref request: MPI_Request, ref status: MPI_Status): c_int

Drop in replacement for MPI_Wait, implemented with non-blocking MPI calls.

This is simply implemented as a while loop that continually calls MPI_Test. The loop will yield, allowing other tasks to run.

proc Wait(ref request: MPI_Request): c_int

Overloaded version of Wait, which ignores the returned status

proc Barrier(comm: MPI_Comm): c_int

Drop in replacement for MPI_Barrier, with non-blocking MPI calls.

This is implemented by a call to MPI_Ibarrier, followed by a call to Wait above. The returned value of MPI_Status is ignored.

proc Send(ref buf, count: c_int, datatype: MPI_Datatype, dest: c_int, tag: c_int, comm: MPI_Comm): c_int

Drop in replacement for MPI_Send, with non-blocking MPI calls.

This is implemented by a call to MPI_Isend, followed by a call to Wait above. The returned value of MPI_Status is ignored.

proc Recv(ref buf, count: c_int, datatype: MPI_Datatype, source: c_int, tag: c_int, comm: MPI_Comm, ref status: MPI_Status): c_int

Drop in replacement for MPI_Recv, with non-blocking MPI calls.

This is implemented by a call to MPI_Irecv, followed by a call to Wait above. The returned value of MPI_Status is ignored.

record MPI_Status

A wrapper around MPI_Status. Only the defined fields are exposed

var MPI_SOURCE: c_int
var MPI_TAG: c_int
var MPI_ERROR: c_int
proc MPI_Status.getCount(tt: MPI_Datatype)

Get the count from a status object

type MPI_Aint = c_ptrdiff
type MPI_Group
type MPI_Comm
type MPI_Datatype
type MPI_Request
type MPI_Op
const MPI_THREAD_SINGLE: c_int
type MPI_Errhandler = opaque
const MPI_SUCCESS: c_int
const MPI_ERR_BUFFER: c_int
const MPI_ERR_COUNT: c_int
const MPI_ERR_TYPE: c_int
const MPI_ERR_TAG: c_int
const MPI_ERR_COMM: c_int
const MPI_ERR_RANK: c_int
const MPI_ERR_REQUEST: c_int
const MPI_ERR_ROOT: c_int
const MPI_ERR_GROUP: c_int
const MPI_ERR_OP: c_int
const MPI_ERR_TOPOLOGY: c_int
const MPI_ERR_DIMS: c_int
const MPI_ERR_ARG: c_int
const MPI_ERR_UNKNOWN: c_int
const MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE: c_int
const MPI_ERR_OTHER: c_int
const MPI_ERR_INTERN: c_int
const MPI_PENDING: c_int
const MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS: c_int
const MPI_ERR_LASTCODE: c_int
const MPI_BOTTOM: opaque
const MPI_PROC_NULL: opaque
const MPI_ANY_SOURCE: opaque
const MPI_ANY_TAG: opaque
const MPI_UNDEFINED: opaque
const MPI_BSEND_OVERHEAD: opaque
const MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID: opaque
const MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL: MPI_Errhandler
const MPI_ERRORS_RETURN: MPI_Errhandler
const MPI_CHAR: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_SHORT: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_INT: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_LONG: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_UNSIGNED: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_FLOAT: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_DOUBLE: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_LONG_DOUBLE: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_BYTE: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_PACKED: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_FLOAT_INT: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_DOUBLE_INT: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_LONG_INT: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_2INT: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_SHORT_INT: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_LONG_LONG_INT: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_UB: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_LB: MPI_Datatype
const MPI_IDENT: c_int
const MPI_CONGRUENT: c_int
const MPI_SIMILAR: c_int
const MPI_UNEQUAL: c_int
const MPI_TAG_UB: c_int
const MPI_IO: c_int
const MPI_HOST: c_int
const MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL: c_int
const MPI_MAX: MPI_Op
const MPI_MIN: MPI_Op
const MPI_SUM: MPI_Op
const MPI_PROD: MPI_Op
const MPI_BAND: MPI_Op
const MPI_BOR: MPI_Op
const MPI_BXOR: MPI_Op
const MPI_LAND: MPI_Op
const MPI_LOR: MPI_Op
const MPI_LXOR: MPI_Op