
The Chapel team is implementing a new approach to user-defined initialization of variables with record type or instances of class type. This approach relies on methods known as initializers rather than the original methods known as constructors.

A discussion of the current design and rationale is provided in CHIP 10.

Release Chapel 1.16.0 provides a strong preview implementation of this new feature. Though some known bugs remain, the feature is rapidly approaching full support and developers should feel encouraged to write initializers where previously they had relied on constructors.

It is anticipated that the implementation will continue to advance steadily after this release and that many aspects of the internal implementation of Chapel will transition from constructor methods to initializer methods during this release.

The Initializer Method

An initializer is a method on a class or record named "init". It is invoked by the new operator, where the type name and initializer arguments are preceded with the new keyword.

If the program declares an initializer method on a type, it is a user-defined initializer. If the program declares no initializers or constructors for a class or record, a compiler generated constructor for that type is created automatically. Work has begun on having the compiler generate an initializer instead a constructor, but it is not yet complete (see below for the status on Compiler Generated Initializers).

User-Defined Initializers

A user-defined initializer is an initializer method explicitly declared in the program. An initializer declaration has the same syntax as a method declaration, except that the name of the function is "init", and there is no return type specifier.

When an initializer is invoked, the usual function resolution mechanism is applied to determine which user-defined initializer is required.

The following example shows a class with two initializers:

class MessagePoint {
  var x, y: real;
  var message: string;

  proc init(x: real, y: real) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.message = "a point";

  proc init(message: string) {
    this.x = 0;
    this.y = 0;
    this.message = message;
} // class MessagePoint

// create two objects
var mp1 = new MessagePoint(1.0,2.0);
var mp2 = new MessagePoint("point mp2");

The first initializer lets the user specify the initial coordinates and the second initializer lets the user specify the initial message when creating a MessagePoint.

Order of Initialization

The specification of a class may be derived from, or inherit from, the specification of one or more other classes. The initialization of an instance of a derived class requires that the initializer for each parent class be executed in some well defined order.

Chapel initializes an instance in two phases that we refer to as "Phase 1" and "Phase 2".

Phase 1 proceeds from the most derived class to the base class, and the fields for each class are initialized in field declaration order. This implies that the fields of any parent classes will be in an undefined state during phase 1. This in turn requires that certain constraints be observed during phase 1. These are described in more detail below.

Phase 2 proceeds from the base class to the most derived class once phase 1 has been completed for the base class. At this point every field of the instance is in a well defined state and so there are no restrictions on the operations that may be performed.

Note that this protocol is well-defined for instances of classes that do not include inheritance. The fields of the instance are initialized in field declaration order during Phase 1 and then Phase 2 may be used to perform additional initialization.

Records in Chapel do not currently provide support for inheritance but we choose to view the initialization of record values in the same manner.

The Initializer Body

The code written in an initializer is divided into two sequentially-ordered categories that define the operations to be performed in phase 1 and then phase 2. The two phases are separated by a phase division indicator. When the phase division indicator is not present, the body of an initializer is assumed to be entirely composed of Phase 2 statements. Otherwise, any code prior to the phase division indicator is considered to be in Phase 1, and any code following it is considered to be in Phase 2. Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be described in the next few subsections, and additional details and rationale can be found in CHIP 10.

Note that aside from try! statements without a catch block, error handling constructs are not allowed in initializers. An initializer cannot be declared as throws. See Interaction With Error Handling.

Phase 1

The code residing in Phase 1 must follow a set of strong requirements.

Other methods on the this instance cannot be called. The this instance may not be passed to another function.

Fields must be initialized in declaration order; however, fields can be omitted. Omitted fields are given the declared initial value if present, or the default of its declared type. Fields with neither a declared initial value nor a declared type cannot be omitted.

class Foo {
  var bar = 10;
  var baz = false;
  var dip: real;

  proc init(barVal, dipVal) {
    bar = barVal;
    // omitted initialization: baz = false;
    dip = dipVal;

var foo = new Foo(11, 2.0);

Both explicit and implicit initialization of a field can depend on the values of prior fields. However, later fields may not be referenced.

class Foo2 {
  var bar = 10;
  var baz = 5;
  var dip = baz * 3;

  proc init(barVal) {
    bar = barVal;
    baz = divceil(bar, 2);
    // omitted initialization: dip = baz * 3;

var foo2 = new Foo2(11);

Parent fields may not be accessed or initialized during Phase 1.

const fields may be initialized during Phase 1. Local variables may be created and used. Functions that are not methods on the this instance may be called, so long as this is not provided as an argument.

Loops and parallel statements are allowed during Phase 1, but field initialization within them is forbidden. on statements whose bodies extend into Phase 2 are not allowed, but more limited on statements are acceptable.

When Phase 1 of the initializer body has completed and the phase division indicator has been processed, it can safely be assumed that all fields are in a usable state.

Phase Division Indicator

An explicit call to another initializer ends Phase 1 and begins Phase 2. This call takes one of two forms:

Form 1: call to an initializer defined on the parent type


Form 2: call to another initializer defined on the same type


If the type has no parent, an argument-less call of the first form will still be valid, but otherwise treated as a no-op.

Example of initializers using the first form:

class Foo { // no parent type
  var x: int;

  proc init(xVal: int) {
    x = xVal;
    super.init(); // argument-less call ends Phase 1

class Bar: Foo { // inherits from Foo
  var y: bool;

  proc init(yVal: bool) {
    y = yVal;
    super.init(10); // Calls the parent initializer

var bar = new Bar(true);

When using the second form, field initialization statements are not permitted in Phase 1, though other statements are allowed. Omitted field initialization will not be inserted prior to calls of the second form.

Example of an initializer using the second form:

class Rectangle {
  var len, width: int;

  proc init(val: int) {
    this.init(val, val); // calls the other initializer
    writeln("Making a square");

  proc init(lenVal: int, widthVal: int) {
    len = lenVal;
    width = widthVal;

var square = new Rectangle(4);

For a single control flow path through the body, only one phase division indicator is allowed. It is forbidden to have both calls, or multiple of either, in a single control flow path. It is forbidden to enclose the phase division indicator in a parallel statement, on statement, or a loop statement. If the phase division indicator is enclosed by a conditional, it must be a param conditional.

If no phase division indicator is provided, an argument-less first form call will be inserted at the beginning of the body. The Compiler Generated Initializers will also include an argument-less first form call after completing the initialization of its fields. If the parent type has defined an initializer that this call cannot resolve to, attempts to initialize the child with the compiler generated initializer will result in an error.

Phase 2

Code in Phase 2 is functionally similar to other methods on the type, and less restrictive than code in Phase 1. Modifications to the fields are considered assignment rather than initialization. Other methods may be called on the this instance, and the this instance may be passed as an argument to another function. Parent fields may be accessed.

As in other methods, code in Phase 2 may not redefine const, param, and type fields.


A class or record with a param field, type field, or a var / const field with no type or initial value is considered generic over that field. Generic fields are treated similarly to other fields, with some exceptions. Only generic fields are capable of being declared without a type or initial value, so only those generic fields without either must have an explicit initialization in Phase 1 - other generic fields may rely on omitted initialization like other fields do. Like const fields, type and param fields may not be updated during Phase 2.

Note: user-defined constructors for generic classes and records required an argument per generic field and did not allow generic fields to be set during the constructor body. Initializers do not have this constraint.

Copy Initializers

An initializer may be defined to control the behavior when a copy of an instance is made. This initializer is define with a single argument on the same type as the type being created:

class Foo {
  var x: int;
  var wasCopied = false;

  proc init(xVal: int) {
    x = xVal;

  // copy initializer
  proc init(other: Foo) {
    x = other.x;
    wasCopied = true;

var foo1 = new Foo(5);
var foo2 = new Foo(foo1); // user inserted copy
delete foo1;
delete foo2;

For more details on when the copy initializer would be called, please refer to CHIP 13 - When Do Records and Array Copies Occur

Remaining Work

With the 1.16.0 release, support for initializers is mostly stable with a few bugs and some unimplemented features remaining. It is recommended for developers writing new classes and records to write initializers when possible. Please report any bugs encountered using the guidance described at the bugs page.

Compiler Generated Initializers

Prototypical support of compiler generated initializers has been added. With the 1.16.0 release and the developer-oriented flag --force-initializers, user-defined classes will attempt to generate default initializers instead of default constructors. User-defined records, and records and classes defined in the internal, standard, or package modules will not yet generate default initializers with this flag. However, there are still failures with even that limited application.

It is anticipated that compiler generated initializers will be fully supported in the next release.

Interaction With Error Handling

Due to time constraints, the 1.16.0 release went out with very limited support for error handling constructs: an initializer cannot be declared as throws, and only try! statements without catch blocks are allowed in the body.

In later releases, we hope to support throw, and try and try! statements with catch blocks during Phase 2, allowing initializers to be declared as throws. It may be possible to allow these constructs in Phase 1, though for simplicity's sake they will likely still be banned around field initialization statements and forbidden from crossing the Phase 1/Phase 2 divide.

In the world where initializers can throw, we will only allow child classes to throw if the parent initializer throws (though there may be complications with chains of initializers, such as an initializer that calls another initializer on the type, which calls a parent initializer that throws, etc.).


Variable initialization when provided the noinit keyword in place of an initial value for a class or record should generate a call to an initializer that has defined what noinit means for that type. More details on the direction for this support can be found in the noinit section of CHIP 10.


  • secondary initializers in outside modules when the type doesn't define an initializer in its original module
  • nested types when the outer type and/or the inner type defines an initializer and the outer type and/or the inner type is generic.
  • others

Other TODOs

  • Convert library types to utilize initializers instead of constructors
  • Improve some slightly cryptic error messages
  • Ensure we always error when a method is called in Phase 1 (we only sometimes do today)
  • Extend on statement support to allow field initialization within its bounds after getting larger team buy in.