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This example showcases Chapel's locale types. To run this example using multiple locales set up your environment as described in multilocale documentation and execute it using the -nl # flag to specify the number of locales. For example, to run on 2 locales, run: ./locales -nl 2

In Chapel, the locale type refers to a unit of the machine resources on which your program is running. Locales have the capability to store variables (i.e., they have memory) and to run Chapel tasks (i.e., they have processors). The specific definition of locale for a given target architecture is determined by the Chapel compiler and architecture. In practice for a standard distributed memory architecture a single multicore/SMP node is typically considered a locale. Shared memory architectures are typically considered a single locale. See platform-specific documentation for notes that might relate to locales on a given architecture.

As mentioned above, the number of locales on which a Chapel program should be run is specified on the executable command line using the -nl <numLocales> or --numLocales=<numLocales> flag. This will cause the Chapel's launcher to execute the program on <numLocales> locales.

Within a Chapel program, the number of locales can be referred to symbolically using the built-in numLocales variable. For example:

writeln("This program is running on ", numLocales, " locales");

Chapel programs always start executing from locale #0. The locale on which the current piece of code is executing can always be queried in a Chapel program using the builtin here variable, which has locale type. All locale values implement the id query that returns a unique value from 0 to numLocales-1. Here we verify that this program began running on locale 0:

writeln("It began running on locale #", here.id);

Chapel also provides a built-in Locales array that contains the set of locale values corresponding to the machine resources on which the program is running. This Locales array is the main way for bootstrapping distributed memory computations, whether explicitly (using on-clauses) or implicitly (using distributions).

As an example, the following for loop iterates over the Locales array and then uses an on-clause to specify that each iteration should execute on that specific locale. Within the body of the loop we use here and the .id query to indicate what locale each iteration of the loop body is executing on.

for loc in Locales do
  on loc do
    writeln("hello locale ", here.id);

Note that in Chapel, locality and parallelism are orthogonal concepts. That is, nothing about the use of the on-clause above introduced parallelism into the program, it only moved the current task (conceptually) from locale #0 to another locale. Task and data parallel concepts can be intermixed with on-clauses to get parallelism across distributed memory machine resources. In this example we focus on the locality issues and do not illustrate parallelism.

Locale values can be assigned and stored like any other value. For example, the user can create their own view of the Locales array. The following statement creates a 1..10 array of locales in which we'll store our numLocales unique locale values redundantly if numLocales is less than 10:

var MyLocaleArray: [1..10] locale;

for i in 1..10 do
  MyLocaleArray[i] = Locales[(i-1)%numLocales];

for i in 1..10 do
  on MyLocaleArray[i] do
    writeln("MyLocaleArray[", i, "] is really locale ", here.id);


Similarly, the user could arrange the locales into a multidimensional virtual locale grid by storing the locale values into a higher-dimensional array of locales. The array reshape() function can be particularly useful for this purpose.

In addition to the .id query mentioned above, locales support a number of other queries about their properties. For example:

  • locale.name : returns a string indicating the locale's name
  • locale.numPUs() : returns the number of processor cores on the locale
  • locale.physicalMemory() : returns the amount of memory on the locale
  • locale.maxTaskPar : returns the likely maximum parallelism available on the locale
use Memory;  // for physicalMemory()
config const printLocaleInfo = true;  // permit testing to turn this off

if printLocaleInfo then
  for loc in Locales do
    on loc {
      writeln("locale #", here.id, "...");
      writeln("  ...is named: ", here.name);
      writeln("  ...has ", here.numPUs(), " processor cores");
      writeln("  ...has ", here.physicalMemory(unit=MemUnits.GB, retType=real),
              " GB of memory");
      writeln("  ...has ", here.maxTaskPar, " maximum parallelism");


Chapel variables are stored using the memory of the locale executing the task that encounters the variable declaration. Thus, in the following code, x is declared on locale 0 and y is declared on locale 1 when there is more than one locale (on locale 0 otherwise).

  var x: int = 2;
  on Locales[1 % numLocales] {
    var y: int = 3;
    writeln("From locale ", here.id, ", x is: ", x, " and y is: ", y);
    on Locales[0] {
      writeln("From locale 0, x is: ", x, " and y is: ", y);

Note in the code above that a task can refer to any lexically-visible variable in Chapel regardless of the locales on which the variable is stored and the task is executing. This is what is known as a global namespace (or global address space) quality in a language. The fact that locality within a Chapel program can be semantically reasoned about by the programmer (i.e., "x is on Locale 0, y is on Locale 1") makes it a PGAS or Partitioned Global Address Space language (though we prefer the less broadly-used term Partitioned Global Namespace).

Not only can a programmer reason about a variable or task's location abstractly, they can also query these values directly in the language. In particular, all Chapel variables support a .locale query which returns the locale value that is storing that variable. Modifying the above example slightly:

  var x: int = 2;
  on Locales[1 % numLocales] {
    var y: int = 3;
    writeln("x is stored on locale ", x.locale.id, ", while y lives on ",

Moreover, Chapel's on-clauses can be controlled by any expression with storage associated with it. on x effectively says "execute this on whichever locale owns x" or equivalently on x.locale. Here's a variation of the example above using this idiom:

  var x: int = 2;

  on Locales[1 % numLocales] {
    var y: int = 3;

    on x do
      writeln("Using a data-driven on-clause, I'm now executing on locale ",


Next, let's create a simple distributed data structure using the principles above. In particular, we'll create a linked list that spans the locales with a list node per locale.

First, we'll define a standard Node class for linked lists. Note that even though the next fields will span locales, they don't need to be declared specially in any way, again thanks to the [P]GAS nature of the language.

class Node {
  var data: real;
  var next: Node;

Next, we'll iterate through the locales, allocating a node on each. It's worth reviewing that a class variable (like the next field above) is just a reference in Chapel and the object it points to is a separate thing allocated by a call to new. So in general, the reference and object can live on different locales (as they will in our example).

So, in the following loop, current will always point at the last node we created, while our on-clause will move the task ahead to the next locale. That way, our execution of new will create the new object on that "next" locale.

var head    = new Node(0);

var current = head;

for i in 1..numLocales-1 do
  on Locales[i] {
    current.next = new Node(i);
    current      = current.next;

Let's loop over the linked list and output each node and the locale on which it exists using .locale.id to determine the locale. This computation takes place entirely on locale 0 and accesses remote memory as necessary.

current = head;

while current {
  writeln("node with data = ", current.data, " on locale ", current.locale.id);
  current = current.next;


Alternatively, we could use a data-driven execution to walk the linked list. Note that on-clauses, when applied to class variables, resolve to the locale of the object, not the reference.

current = head;

while current {
  on current {
    writeln("node with data = ", current.data, " on locale ", here.id);
    current = current.next;

We can now deallocate our objects to ensure no memory leaks.

current = head;

while current {
  on current {
    var ptr = current;
    current = current.next;
    delete ptr;

For more information about locales, refer to the Locales chapter of the Chapel Language Specification.