Void Variables and Fields

This README describes support for void variables and class/record fields. A variable or field with type void will be removed from the program by the compiler. It cannot be assigned to a variable of any non-void type, and non-void values cannot be assigned to a void variable. A void variable cannot be used in any context that requires a non-void value.

The value with type void is currently named _void. It is expected that this name will be changed.

A void value can be used to instantiate fully-generic function arguments as long as the argument is not used in any non-void context. This will cause the function argument to be removed by the compiler.

How is this useful?

Often a class or record will have different implementation strategies depending on things like the properties of the hardware or the type of a generic field. When the different implementation strategies each require their own class/record fields, the number of fields in the type grows, ballooning the size of the type with unused variables.

The type void was introduced to allow the unused variables to be removed by the compiler. For example, if some fields are used only when the param isAccelerator is true, they can be declared with a conditional type that is void when it is false. Such fields will be removed by the compiler.

record R {
  param isAccelerator: bool;
  var accelVar: if isAccelerator then real else void;

  proc doComputation() {
    if isAccelerator {
      ... accelVar ...
    } else {
      // non-accelerator version

Void Functions

A function that does not return is treated as a function that returns a void value. A non-returning function can be assigned to a variable of type void. Initializing a variable without a specified type with a function that doesn't return will infer the variable type to be void. The variables will be removed by the compiler.

A function may also explicitly return the void value _void. Functions that have no return and functions that return the value _void both have a return type of void. Functions that have no return and functions that return _void can both optionally specify their return types as void.

proc noReturn(): void {
  writeln("Hello from noReturn");

var v1: void = noReturn();
var v2 = noReturn();

proc explicitReturn(): void {
  writeln("Hello from explicitReturn");
  return _void;

var v3: void = explicitReturn();
var v4 = explicitReturn();

In the future, a function that does not return may be differentiated from a function that explicitly returns a void value. In that case, both the v1 and v2 examples above would be errors, but a function that returns a void value explicitly would still be assignable to a variable of type void, as is the case for v3 and v4.