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This primer illustrates Chapel ranges and range operations.

Ranges (general info)

Ranges represent sequences of integral numbers, or "indices". A range literal is defined using the .. operator. The lower bound is always on the left; the upper bound is always on the right.

writeln("Basic range r");
const r = 1..10;

Ranges are a basic building block for iteration. Here we use a for-loop to iterate over the sequence represented by r and compute the sum of the indices in the sequence.

var sum: int = 0;
for i in r do
  sum += i;
writeln("The sum of the values in ", r, " is ", sum);

We can compute this same sum with a reduction over the range.

sum = + reduce r;
writeln("The sum of the values in ", r, " as computed by reduce is also ", sum);

Ranges are also the building blocks for domains. Here we use the range r to build up a 2-D domain and an array.

writeln("Domains and arrays");
const D: domain(2) = {r, r};
var A: [D] real;
writeln("D = ", D);
writeln("Array A");

Ranges don't have to be fully bounded. A range without a low bound represents an infinite sequence of numbers that are less than or equal to the high bound. Similarly a range without a high bound represents an infinitude of numbers greater or equal to the low bound. A range with no bounds is allowed as well.

writeln("Unbounded ranges");

When an unbounded range is used in a zippered iteration, only the necessary number of indices are taken from its sequence.

Only ranges whose sequences have a starting point may be used in an iteration. This includes all the above ranges except .. and ..5.

writeln("Iterating over (312..315, 1..) generates");
for (i, j) in zip(312..315, 1..) {
  write(" ", (i, j));


There are several operators for working with ranges. The by and align operators create strided and aligned range values. The # operator counts a number of elements from the range. The + and - operators shift the sequence the range represents. The == operator compares ranges for equality.

The by operator applies a stride to a range, selecting a subsequence from its sequence. If the range was already strided, the effect is multiplicative. If the stride is negative, the direction of the sequence is reversed.

writeln("Range stride and the by operator");
writeRange(r by 2);
writeRange(r by 2 by 2);
writeRange(r by -1);
writeRange(5.. by 2);

The align operator specifies the alignment of a strided range. The indices in the aligned range are all equivalent to the specified alignment modulo the absolute value of the stride. For example, alignment can differentiate the sequence of all odd numbers from all even numbers.

const allOdds = .. by 2 align 1;
const allEvens = .. by 2 align 2;

The alignment is always taken modulo the stride, so one could also say: const allEvens = .. by 2 align 0; const allEvens = .. by 2 align -2; etc.

writeln("Range alignment and the align operator");
const oddsBetween1and10 = r by 2 align 1;
const evensBetween1and10 = r by 2 align 0;

If a range's stride is 1 or -1, its sequence is always defined. Otherwise, the sequence is defined only when the range's alignment is defined, or "unambiguous". Without alignment, for example, it is unknown whether the sequence contains all odds or all evens. A defined sequence is required when using the range in an iteration or in many other cases.

The align operator always defines the alignment, overriding the existing alignment, if any. When creating a strided range from a range literal, by will define the alignment to be the literal's low bound for positive stride, or the literal's high bound for negative stride. The corresponding bound must exist.

writeln("Implicit alignment set using 'by'");
writeRange(1..10 by -2);
writeRange(..5 by -3);
const rangeWithAmbiguousAlignment = 1.. by -3;

The count operator # counts off a number of elements from the start of a range. If the count is negative, the elements are taken from the end of the range, instead. It is an error to take a positive count of indices from a range with no starting index, or a negative count of indices from a range with no ending index.

writeln("The count operator");
const numElements = 5;
writeRange(r # 4);
writeRange(r by -1 # 4);
writeRange(..5 # -3);

The + and - operators are used to shift a range's sequence higher or lower.

writeln("Operators + and -");
writeRange(r + 2);
writeRange(1 + ..5);
writeRange((r by 2) - 1);

The == operator can be used to test if two ranges are equal. Equality means they represent the same sequence of indices.

writeln("Range equality");
writeln(r(allOdds) == oddsBetween1and10);          // true
writeln(r(allEvens) == evensBetween1and10);        // true


Range slicing produces an intersection of the sequences defined by two given ranges. Slicing is commutative in most respects. It is written as indexing or application of one range to another.

writeln("Range slicing");
writeln("A slice of ", r, " with ", 2..7);
const r1 = 5..15;
writeln("A slice of ", r, " with ", r1);
writeln("A slice of ", r1, " with ", r, " is the same");

The odds between 1 and 10 (using range slicing):


The evens between 1 and 10 (using range slicing):


Either or both of the ranges in a range slicing operation can be strided

const r2 = 1..20 by 3;
writeln("A slice of ", r2, " with ", 1..20 by 2);
writeRange(r2(1..20 by 2));
writeln("A slice of ", r2, " with ", 1..20 by -2);
writeRange(r2(1..20 by -2));

When an unbounded range is used in slicing a bounded range, the corresponding infinite sequence participates in the intersection.

writeln("A slice of ", r, " with ", 5..);
writeln("A slice of ", r, " with ", 5.. by 2);
writeRange(r(5.. by 2));
writeln("A slice of ", 1.., " with ", ..5);

Definition of writeRange

The procedure that has been used throughout this primer to print ranges is defined below. It adjusts to the specifics of the range.

proc writeRange(r: range(?)) {
  write("Range ", r);
  if r.boundedType == BoundedRangeType.bounded {
    // The range is fully bounded - print its entire sequence.
    write(" = ");
    var first: bool = true;;
    for i in r {
      if !first then write(", ");
      first = false;
  } else if r.hasFirst() {
    // The range is not fully bounded, but its sequence has a starting point
    // - print the first three indices.  Note that in this and the next
    // case the sequence can be either increasing or decreasing.
    write(" = ");
    for i in r # 3 do
      write(i, ", ");
  } else if r.hasLast() {
    // The range is not fully bounded, but its sequence has an ending point.
    // Print the last three indices.
    write(" = ...");
    for i in r # -3 do
      write(", ", i);
  } else if r.stride == 1 || r.stride == -1 {
    // If we are here, the range is fully unbounded.
    write(" = all integers, ",
          if r.stride > 0 then "increasing" else "decreasing");
  } else {
    // We got a more complex range, do not elaborate.