
use BLAS;


Support for Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) kernel routines.

The netlib documentation describes BLAS as the following:

The BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) are routines that provide
standard building blocks for performing basic vector and matrix operations.
The Level 1 BLAS perform scalar, vector and vector-vector operations, the
Level 2 BLAS perform matrix-vector operations, and the Level 3 BLAS perform
matrix-matrix operations. Because the BLAS are efficient, portable, and
widely available, they are commonly used in the development of high quality
linear algebra software, LAPACK for example.

This module wraps the functionality of level 3 matrix-matrix BLAS routines, supporting the array element types, real(32) (single), real (double), complex(32) (complex), and complex (complex double) under a single interface.

Compiling with BLAS

In order to compile a Chapel program that uses this module, the BLAS and CBLAS (C wrappers to BLAS) libraries must be installed on the system. The paths to both the cblas.h header file and BLAS library must be passed to the -I and -L compiler arguments. The library name, typically blas, must be passed to the -l argument as well.

The compilation command should look something like this:

     -L$PATH_TO_BLAS_LIBS -lblas source.chpl
BLAS Implementations:

There is a wide range of BLAS implementations available. This module was built and tested with netlib's CBLAS, but many other implementations are compatible as well. Using a version of BLAS optimized for the user's system will yield the best performance.

There are a few known caveats with some popular implementations:

    • The compilation command above likely requires the additional flag: -latlas
  • MKL
    • The BLAS module assumes that the CBLAS functions are defined in the header named cblas.h. MKL defines these in mkl_cblas.h. This can be worked around by creating a symbolic link to the correct header file name: ln -s mkl_cblas.h cblas.h
  • OpenBLAS
    • The header files that are included with OpenBLAS differ from the reference CBLAS prototypes for complex arguments by using float* and double* pointers, instead of void* pointers. Using this will likely result in warnings about incompatible pointer types. These may be ignored.
Cray Systems:
No compiler flags should be necessary when compiling BLAS programs on Crays. The PBLAS implementation is made available through Cray's libsci, which comes installed on all Cray systems. This is typically loaded by default, but can be manually loaded with module load cray-libsci as well. Chapel programs compiled on Crays utilize the cc wrapper as the backend compiler, which implicitly links against the libsci library. Therefore, no additional steps are required of the user.

Chapel Level 3 BLAS API

For convenience, this module provides wrappers around the Level 3 (matrix-matrix) BLAS functions. These determine the appropriate functions to call, based on the array element types, as well as the array dimensions. The other functionality is identical to the corresponding BLAS functions.

The names of these routines are identical to the corresponding BLAS functions, except that the type prefix is dropped. For instance, gemm is the wrapper for the [sdcz]gemm routines.


Chapel determines the dimensions of the matrices from the arrays that are passed in. However, if one is passing in a sub-array such that the array elements are not contiguously stored in memory, then the user needs to pass in the leading dimension (`lda` etc) to the array, just as they would in C. These default to 0, in which case Chapel determines the appropriate values based on the array passed in.

enum Order { Row = 101: c_int, Col }

Define row or column order

enum Op { N = 111: c_int, T, H }

Operation of matrix : none, transpose, or adjoint

enum Uplo { Upper = 121: c_int, Lower }

Storage for symmetric matrices

enum Diag { NonUnit = 131: c_int, Unit }

Assume a unit or non-unit diagonal

enum Side { Left = 141: c_int, Right }

Operate on the left or right side

proc gemm(A: [?Adom], B: [?Bdom], C: [?Cdom], alpha, beta, opA: Op = Op.N, opB: Op = Op.N, order: Order = Order.Row, ldA: int = 0, ldB: int = 0, ldC: int = 0)

Wrapper for the GEMM routines

Performs the matrix-matrix operation:

C := alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta * C
proc symm(A: [?Adom], B: [?Bdom], C: [?Cdom], alpha, beta, uplo: Uplo = Uplo.Upper, side: Side = Side.Left, order: Order = Order.Row, ldA: int = 0, ldB: int = 0, ldC: int = 0)

Wrapper for the SYMM routines

Performs the matrix-matrix operation:

C := alpha * A * B + beta * C


C := alpha * B * A + beta * C

where A is a symmetric matrix.

proc hemm(A: [?Adom], B: [?Bdom], C: [?Cdom], alpha, beta, uplo: Uplo = Uplo.Upper, side: Side = Side.Left, order: Order = Order.Row, ldA: int = 0, ldB: int = 0, ldC: int = 0)

Wrapper for the HEMM routines

Performs the matrix-matrix operation:

C := alpha * A * B + beta * C


C := alpha * B * A + beta * C

where A is an hermitian matrix.

proc syrk(A: [?Adom], C: [?Cdom], alpha, beta, uplo: Uplo = Uplo.Upper, trans: Op = Op.N, order: Order = Order.Row, ldA: int = 0, ldC: int = 0)

Wrapper for the SYRK routines

Performs the matrix-matrix operation:

C := alpha * A * A**T + beta * C


C := alpha * A**T * A + beta * C

where C is a symmetric matrix, and A**T is the transpose of A.

proc herk(A: [?Adom], C: [?Cdom], alpha, beta, uplo: Uplo = Uplo.Upper, trans: Op = Op.N, order: Order = Order.Row, ldA: int = 0, ldC: int = 0)

Wrapper for the HERK routines

Performs the matrix-matrix operation:

C := alpha * A * A**H + beta * C


C := alpha * A**H * A + beta * C

where C is an hermitian matrix, and A**H is the conjugate transpose of A.

proc syr2k(A: [?Adom], B: [?Bdom], C: [?Cdom], alpha, beta, uplo: Uplo = Uplo.Upper, trans: Op = Op.N, order: Order = Order.Row, ldA: int = 0, ldB: int = 0, ldC: int = 0)

Wrapper for the SYR2K routines

Performs the matrix-matrix operation:

C := alpha * A * B**T + alpha * B * A**T +  beta * C


C := alpha * A**T * B + alpha * B**T * A +  beta * C

where C is a symmetric matrix, and A**T and B**T are the transpose of A and B , respectively.

proc her2k(A: [?Adom], B: [?Bdom], C: [?Cdom], alpha, beta, uplo: Uplo = Uplo.Upper, trans: Op = Op.N, order: Order = Order.Row, ldA: int = 0, ldB: int = 0, ldC: int = 0)

Wrapper for the HER2K routines

Performs the matrix-matrix operation:

C := alpha * A * B**H + conjg(alpha) * B * A**H +  beta * C


C := alpha * A**H * B + conjg(alpha) * B**H * A +  beta * C

where C is an hermitian matrix, B**H is the conjugate transpose of B , conjg(alpha) is the complex conjugate of alpha.

proc trmm(A: [?Adom], B: [?Bdom], alpha, uplo: Uplo = Uplo.Upper, trans: Op = Op.N, side: Side = Side.Left, diag: Diag = Diag.NonUnit, order: Order = Order.Row, ldA: int = 0, ldB: int = 0)

Wrapper for the TRMM routines

Performs the matrix-matrix operation:

B := alpha * op(A) * B


B := alpha * B * op(A)

where A is a triangular matrix.

proc trsm(A: [?Adom], B: [?Bdom], alpha, uplo: Uplo = Uplo.Upper, trans: Op = Op.N, side: Side = Side.Left, diag: Diag = Diag.NonUnit, order: Order = Order.Row, ldA: int = 0, ldB: int = 0)

Wrapper for the TRSM routines

Solves the matrix equation:

op(A) * X = alpha * B


X * op(A) = alpha * B

where A is a triangular matrix.