The begin statement

The simplest way to create a task in Chapel is with the begin statement. It prefixes another statement and indicates that a task should be created to execute the statement while the original task goes on to the statement following the begin.

As an example, the following program creates a task to execute the call to writeln() in the first statement while the original task goes on to execute the second call to writeln().

begin writeln("Hello!");

Because these two tasks are not synchronized in any way, the order in which the messages appear on the console is not guaranteed. As a result, when running this program, the console could display the messages either like this:


or this:


Happily, the writeln() routine is written in a parallel-safe manner, so there is no danger of the characters from the two strings getting mixed up with each other even though the tasks are executing in parallel.

begin-ing More Complex Statements

The statement defining a task can be a compound statement or a function call, so can specify an arbitrary amount of code for the task to run. For example, the following program creates one task that prints some messages using a compound statement and a second that prints other messages using a function call, while the original task prints messages of its own.

begin {
  for i in 1..10 do
    writeln("Hi there!");
  writeln("Oh, I forgot to say something!");

begin sayHiBack();

for i in 1..10 do

proc sayHiBack() {
  for i in 1..10 do
    writeln("Well, hello to you too!");

Nested Tasks

Since Chapel supports nested parallelism, a task created with begin may itself create other tasks. For example, the following routine uses recursion and begin statements to create a distinct task to process each node in a binary tree:

proc walkTree(node) {
  if node.left != nil then
    begin walkTree(node.left);
  if node.right != nil then
    begin walkTree(node.right);

(Whether or not this is an intelligent use of tasks depends on the size of the tree, the processTasks() computation, what else the program is doing, the system, etc.)