First-class Functions in Chapel

This README describes some initial support that we have added to the compiler for first-class functions in Chapel. This mechanism should be considered a stopgap technology until we have developed and implemented a more robust story, which is why it's being described in this README rather than the language specification.

Manipulating first-class functions

Functions defined with parentheses may be captured as values by referring to them by name without parentheses. Once captured, these values may be passed around as other value types.

For example:

proc myfunc(x:int) { return x + 1; }
var f = myfunc;
writeln(f(3));  // outputs: 4

To be captured, a function must not be any of the following:

  • A generic function (all captured functions must be fully-qualified with no generic arguments)
  • A function with special return types (type, param)
  • An iterator
  • The method of an object
  • An operator
  • An overloaded function

Rationale. Generic functions would require manipulating generic, uninstantiated types, which is currently not available in Chapel. Functions with compile-time return types like type and param would require the ability to have param classes, to fit with the current implementation. Param classes are not currently part of Chapel. Iterators would require a new type of capture, one that works similarly to the current implementation but respects the yielding that occurs inside an iterator. Method capture requires the currying of the object as the first argument to the first-class function. Operators and overloaded functions require a type-based multiple dispatch mechanism.

Lambda functions

Lambda functions are anonymous first-class function objects. In other words, they are expressions rather than formally-defined named functions. They are available with the following syntax:

  lambda argument-list return-type_opt function-body

where lambda is a Chapel keyword and return-type_opt is an optional return-type.

For example:

var f = lambda(x:int, y:int) { return x + y; };
writeln(f(1,2));  // outputs: 3

Lambdas can also "capture" variables that are defined outside of the lambda by referring to them in the body of the lambda. These form a "closure", a combination of a function and an associated execution environment. This closure captures the variables in such a way that modifying them modifies the original variables (this is sometimes called "capturing the variables by reference"). Currently a lambda that captures variables can be used only while the activation records of the functions that define these variables, if any, still exist on the stack, i.e. while these functions are still executing.

Example. For example the following is acceptable:

proc myfunc() {
  var x = 3;
  var f = lambda() { x = 4; };
  return x;

writeln(myfunc());  // outputs: 4

whereas having myfunc() return its f variable is not supported.

Function type signatures

The types of first-class functions can be obtained by using the 'func' type functions that are provided as follows:

// no arguments, void return type (returns no value)
proc func() type

// no arguments, the return type is 'rettype'
proc func(type rettype) type

// argument types are 'argtypes'
proc func(type argtypes...?n, type rettype) type

For example:

var f : func(void);  // A function with no arguments, no return value
var f1: func();      // A shortcut for the above
var g : func(int);   // A function with no arguments, returning int
var h : func(bool, int); // A function with one bool argument, returning int

Future Directions

Over time, we will be improving the support for first-class functions and their syntax. If you have specific feature requests or suggestions, please let us know at: