
class BlockCyclicDim

This Block-Cyclic dimension specifier is for use with the DimensionalDist2D distribution.

It specifies the mapping of indices in its dimension that would be produced by a 1D BlockCyclic distribution.

Constructor Arguments

The BlockCyclicDim class constructor is defined as follows:

proc BlockCyclicDim(
  numLocales:   int,
  lowIdx:       int,
  blockSize:    int,
  name:         string,
  cycleSizePos: int = // computed by the implementation )

The arguments are as follows:

the number of locales that this dimension's indices are to be distributed over
lowIdx, blockSize
are the counterparts to startIdx and blocksize in the BlockCyclic distribution
may be used for debugging; it is ignored by the implementation
is used internally by the implementation and should not be specified by the user code