Module: FFTW

Single-threaded FFT computations via key routines from FFTW (version 3)

This module defines Chapel wrappers for key single-threaded 64-bit routines from FFTW (, version 3. For multi-threaded routines, refer to the FFTW_MT module. Over time, the intention is to expand these modules to support additional routines, prioritizing based on requests and feedback from users.

To use this module:

  1. Ensure that FFTW (version 3) is installed on your system and that the header and library files (e.g., fftw3.h, libfftw3.*) are either installed in a standard system location or that your C compiler’s environment variables are set up to find them (alternatively, the Chapel compiler’s -I and -L flags can be used to specify these locations).
  2. Add use FFTW; to your Chapel code.
  3. Compile and run your Chapel program as usual.

As in standard FFTW usage, the flow is to:

  1. Create plan(s) using the plan_dft* routines.
  2. Execute the plan(s) one or more times using execute.
  3. Destroy the plan(s) using destroy_plan.
  4. Call cleanup.

Note that each of the Chapel plan_dft* routines support both in-place and out-of-place versions of the transforms, where the former versions use a single array for both input and output, and the latter use two distinct arrays.

In future versions of this module, we anticipate improving the plan_dft*() interfaces to make better use of Chapel features and move further away from C-isms (like the overloaded role of flags and the use of C-based types). Such features are expected to take advantage of Chapel’s support for default argument values and keyword-based argument passing. We are also thinking about changing the interface for the in-place routines to use array slicing rather than separate arguments for the array and domain.

config param noFFTWsizeChecks = false

Controls execution-time array size checks in the FFTW plan_dft routines (set to true to disable checks).

type fftw_plan

An opaque type used to store and reuse FFTW plans across multiple routines.

proc plan_dft(input: [?Din] complex(128), output: [?Dout] complex(128), sign: c_int, flags: c_uint): fftw_plan

Creates a plan for an out-of-place complex-to-complex DFT.

  • input : [] complex(128) – The input array, which can be of any rank
  • output : [] complex(128) – The output array, whose size and shape must match the input array’s
  • flags : c_int – the bitwise-or of any planning-rigor or algorithm-restriction flags that should be used in creating the plan (e.g., FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT)

The fftw_plan representing the resulting plan

proc plan_dft(arr: [] complex(128), sign: c_int, flags: c_uint): fftw_plan

Creates a plan for an in-place complex-to-complex DFT.

  • arr : [] complex(128) – The array to use as the in-place input/output array.
  • flags : c_int – the bitwise-or of any planning-rigor or algorithm-restriction flags that should be used in creating the plan (e.g., FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT)

The fftw_plan representing the resulting plan

proc plan_dft_r2c(input: [?Din] real(64), output: [?Dout] complex(128), flags: c_uint): fftw_plan

Create a plan for a real-to-complex, out-of-place DFT.

  • input : [] real(64) – The input array, which can be of any rank
  • output : [] complex(128) – The output array, whose size and shape must match the input array’s, except for the leading dimension which should be n/2 + 1, where n is the size of the input array’s leading dimension. See the FFTW documentation for more information.
  • flags : c_int – the bitwise-or of any planning-rigor or algorithm-restriction flags that should be used in creating the plan (e.g., FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT)

The fftw_plan representing the resulting plan

proc plan_dft_r2c(realDom: domain, arr: [?D] ?t, flags: c_uint): fftw_plan

Create a plan for a real-to-complex, in-place DFT.

  • realDom : domain – Describes the indices of the ‘real’ view of the array
  • arr : [] T where T is of type real(64) or complex(128)

    The array to be used as the in-place input/output array. If passing in an array of real elements, the leading dimension of the array must be padded to store 2(n/2 + 1) elements, where n is the size of the corresponding dimension of realDom. If passing in an array of complex elements, the leading dimension should be (n/2 + 1). See the FFTW documentation for more information.

  • flags : c_int – the bitwise-or of any planning-rigor or algorithm-restriction flags that should be used in creating the plan (e.g., FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT)

The fftw_plan representing the resulting plan

proc plan_dft_c2r(input: [?Din] complex(128), output: [?Dout] real(64), flags: c_uint): fftw_plan

Create a plan for a complex-to-real, out-of-place DFT.

  • input : [] complex(128)

    The input array, whose size and shape must match the output array’s, except for the leading dimension which should be n/2 + 1, where n is the size of the output array’s leading dimension. See the FFTW documentation for more information.

  • output : [] real(64) – The output array
  • flags : c_int – the bitwise-or of any planning-rigor or algorithm-restriction flags that should be used in creating the plan (e.g., FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT)

The fftw_plan representing the resulting plan

proc plan_dft_c2r(realDom: domain, arr: [?D] ?t, flags: c_uint): fftw_plan

Create a plan for a complex-to-real, in-place DFT.

  • realDom : domain – Describes the indices of the ‘real’ view of the array
  • arr : [] T where T is of type real(64) or complex(128)

    The array to be used as the in-place input/output array. If passing in an array of real elements, the leading dimension of the array must be padded to store 2(n/2 + 1) elements, where n is the size of the corresponding dimension of realDom. If passing in an array of complex elements, the leading dimension should be (n/2 + 1). See the FFTW documentation for more information.

  • flags : c_int – the bitwise-or of any planning-rigor or algorithm-restriction flags that should be used in creating the plan (e.g., FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT)

The fftw_plan representing the resulting plan

proc execute(const plan: fftw_plan)

Execute an FFTW plan.

Arguments:plan : fftw_plan – The plan to execute, as computed by a plan_dft*() routine.
proc destroy_plan(plan: fftw_plan)

Destroy an FFTW plan.

Arguments:plan : fftw_plan – The plan to destroy
proc cleanup()

Clean up FFTW overall.

const FFTW_FORWARD: c_int

Request a forward transform (i.e., use a negative exponent in the tranform).

const FFTW_BACKWARD: c_int

Request a backward transform (i.e., use a positive exponent in the transform).

const FFTW_ESTIMATE: c_uint

Specify that a simple heuristic should be used to pick a plan quickly. This will prevent the input/output arrays from being overwritten during planning.

const FFTW_MEASURE: c_uint

Specify that FFTW should try and find an optimized plan by computing several FFTs and measuring their execution time. This can consume some time.

const FFTW_PATIENT: c_uint

Specify that FFTW should expend a greater effort finding an optimized plan.

const FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE: c_uint

Specify that FFTW should expend an even greater effort finding an optimized plan.

const FFTW_WISDOM_ONLY: c_uint

This is a special planning mode that is useful for querying whether wisdom is available. When using it, the plan is only created when wisdom is available for the given problem; otherwise a null plan is returned. This can be combined with other flags to create a plan if the wisdom available was created in that mode (e.g., FFTW_WISDOM_ONLY | FFTW_PATIENT). For more details on this flag and the previous four, refer to Section 4.3.2 of the FFTW manual

const FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT: c_uint

Specify that an out-of-place transform is permitted to overwrite its input array with arbitrary data. This permits more efficient algorithms to be used in some cases.


Specify that an out-of-place transform cannot change its input array.

const FFTW_UNALIGNED: c_uint

Specify that the algorithm may not impose any unusual alignment requirements on the input/output arrays. This flag should not be necessary for current Chapel use since the planner will automatically detect such cases. For more details on this flag and the previous two, refer to Section 4.3.2 of the FFTW manual.