Module: ReplicatedDist

class ReplicatedDist

This Replicated distribution causes a domain and its arrays to be replicated across the desired locales (all the locales by default). An array receives a distinct set of elements - a “replicand” - allocated on each locale.

In other words, a ReplicatedDist-distributed domain has an implicit additional dimension - over the locales, making it behave as if there is one copy of its indices per locale.

Consistency among the replicands is not preserved automatically. That is, changes to one replicand of an array are never propagated to the other replicands by the distribution implementation. If desired, consistency needs to be maintained by the user.

Replication over locales is observable when:

  • iterating over a domain or array
  • printing with writeln() et al.
  • zippering, when the replicated domain/array is the first among the zippered items
  • assigning into the replicated array (each replicand gets a copy)
  • inquiring about the domain’s numIndices or the array’s numElements
  • accessing array element(s) from a locale not in the set of desired locales, i.e. from a locale which the array is not replicated onto. Upon such an access, an out-of-bounds error is reported.

Only the replicand on the current locale is accessed (i.e. existence of multiple replicands is not observable) when:

  • examining certain domain properties: dim(d), dims(), low, high, stride – not numIndices
  • indexing into an array
  • zippering, when the first zippered item is not replicated
  • assigning to a non-replicated array, i.e. the replicated array is on the right-hand side of the assignment
  • there is only a single locale (trivially: there is only one replicand in this case)

E.g. when iterating, the number of iterations will be (the number of locales involved) times (the number of iterations over this domain if it were distributed with the default distribution).

Note that the above behavior may change in the future. In particular, we are considering changing it so that replication is never observable. For example, only the local replicand would be accessed in all cases.


const Dbase = {1..5};  // a default-distributed domain
const Drepl: domain(1) dmapped ReplicatedDist() = Dbase;
var Abase: [Dbase] int;
var Arepl: [Drepl] int;

// only the current locale's replicand is accessed
Arepl[3] = 4;

// these iterate over Dbase;
// only the current locale's replicand is accessed
forall (b,r) in zip(Abase,Arepl) do b = r;
Abase = Arepl;

// these iterate over Drepl; each replicand of Drepl
// will be zippered against (and copied from) the entire Abase
forall (r,b) in zip(Arepl,Abase) do r = b;
Arepl = Abase;

// sequential zippering will detect difference in sizes
// (if multiple locales)
for (b,r) in zip(Abase,Arepl) ... // error
for (r,b) in zip(Arepl,Abase) ... // error

Constructor Arguments

The ReplicatedDist class constructor is defined as follows:

proc ReplicatedDist(
  targetLocales: [] locale = Locales,
  purposeMessage: string = "used to create a ReplicatedDist")

The array targetLocales must be “consistent”, as defined below.

The optional purposeMessage may be useful for debugging when the constructor encounters an error.


  • Only rectangular domains are presently supported.
  • Serial iteration over a replicated domain (or array) visits the indices (or array elements) of all replicands from the current locale.
  • When replicating over user-provided array of locales, that array must be “consistent” (see below).

“Consistent” array requirement:

  • The array of desired locales, if passed explicitly as targetLocales to the ReplicatedDist constructor, must be “consistent”.
  • The array A is “consistent” if for each ix in A.domain, this holds: A[ix].id == ix.
  • Tip: if the domain of your targetLocales cannot be described as a rectangular domain (whether strided, multi-dimensional, and/or sparse), make the domain associative over the int type.