Module: Regexp¶
Regular expression support.
The regular expression support is built on top of the RE2 regular expression library. As such, the exact regular expression syntax available is the syntax from RE2, which is available within the RE2 project at and included here for your convenience.
Enabling Regular Expression Support¶
Setting the environment variable CHPL_REGEXP to re2 will enable regular expression support with the RE2 library:
export CHPL_REGEXP=re2
Then, rebuild Chapel. The RE2 library will be expanded from a release included in the Chapel distribution.
if re2 support is not enabled (which is the default), all features described below will compile successfully, but will result in an internal error at run time, saying “No Regexp Support”.
Using Regular Expression Support¶
use Regexp;
var myRegexp = compile("a+");
Now you can use these methods on regular expressions:, regexp.match, regexp.split, regexp.matches.
You can also use the string versions of these methods:, string.match, string.split, or string.matches.
Lastly, you can include regular expressions in the format string for readf for searching on QIO channels using the %/<regexp>/ syntax.
RE2 regular expression syntax reference¶
Single characters:
. any character, possibly including newline (s=true)
[xyz] character class
[^xyz] negated character class
\d Perl character class (see below)
\D negated Perl character class (see below)
[:alpha:] ASCII character class
[:^alpha:] negated ASCII character class
\pN Unicode character class (one-letter name)
\p{Greek} Unicode character class
\PN negated Unicode character class (one-letter name)
\P{Greek} negated Unicode character class
xy «x» followed by «y»
x|y «x» or «y» (prefer «x»)
x* zero or more «x», prefer more
x+ one or more «x», prefer more
x? zero or one «x», prefer one
x{n,m} «n» or «n»+1 or ... or «m» «x», prefer more
x{n,} «n» or more «x», prefer more
x{n} exactly «n» «x»
x*? zero or more «x», prefer fewer
x+? one or more «x», prefer fewer
x?? zero or one «x», prefer zero
x{n,m}? «n» or «n»+1 or ... or «m» «x», prefer fewer
x{n,}? «n» or more «x», prefer fewer
x{n}? exactly «n» «x»
(re) numbered capturing group
(?P<name>re) named & numbered capturing group
(?:re) non-capturing group
(?flags) set flags within current group; non-capturing
(?flags:re) set flags during re; non-capturing
i case-insensitive (default false)
m multi-line mode: «^» and «$» match begin/end line in addition to
begin/end text (default false)
s let «.» match «\n» (default false)
U ungreedy: swap meaning of «x*» and «x*?», «x+» and «x+?», etc.
(default false)
Flag syntax is:
«xyz» (set)
«-xyz» (clear)
«xy-z» (set «xy», clear «z»)
Empty strings:
^ at beginning of text or line («m»=true)
$ at end of text (like «\z» not «\Z») or line («m»=true)
\A at beginning of text
\b at word boundary («\w» on one side and «\W», «\A», or «\z» on the
\B not a word boundary
\z at end of text
Escape sequences:
\a bell (== \007)
\f form feed (== \014)
\t horizontal tab (== \011)
\n newline (== \012)
\r carriage return (== \015)
\v vertical tab character (== \013)
\* literal «*», for any punctuation character «*»
\123 octal character code (up to three digits)
\x7F hex character code (exactly two digits)
\x{10FFFF} hex character code
\C match a single byte even in UTF-8 mode
\Q...\E literal text «...» even if «...» has punctuation
Character class elements:
x single character
A-Z character range (inclusive)
\d Perl character class (see below)
[:foo:] ASCII character class «foo»
\p{Foo} Unicode character class «Foo»
\pF Unicode character class «F» (one-letter name)
Named character classes as character class elements:
[\d] digits (== \d)
[^\d] not digits (== \D)
[\D] not digits (== \D)
[^\D] not not digits (== \d)
[[:name:]] named ASCII class inside character class (== [:name:])
[^[:name:]] named ASCII class inside negated character class (== [:^name:])
[\p{Name}] named Unicode property inside character class (== \p{Name})
[^\p{Name}] named Unicode property inside negated character class (==\P{Name})
Perl character classes:
\d digits (== [0-9])
\D not digits (== [^0-9])
\s whitespace (== [\t\n\f\r ])
\S not whitespace (== [^\t\n\f\r ])
\w word characters (== [0-9A-Za-z_])
\W not word characters (== [^0-9A-Za-z_])
ASCII character classes::
[:alnum:] alphanumeric (== [0-9A-Za-z])
[:alpha:] alphabetic (== [A-Za-z])
[:ascii:] ASCII (== [\x00-\x7F])
[:blank:] blank (== [\t ])
[:cntrl:] control (== [\x00-\x1F\x7F])
[:digit:] digits (== [0-9])
[:graph:] graphical (== [!-~] ==
[:lower:] lower case (== [a-z])
[:print:] printable (== [ -~] == [ [:graph:]])
[:punct:] punctuation (== [!-/:-@[-`{-~])
[:space:] whitespace (== [\t\n\v\f\r ])
[:upper:] upper case (== [A-Z])
[:word:] word characters (== [0-9A-Za-z_])
[:xdigit:] hex digit (== [0-9A-Fa-f])
Unicode character class names--general category:
C other
Cc control
Cf format
Co private use
Cs surrogate
L letter
Ll lowercase letter
Lm modifier letter
Lo other letter
Lt titlecase letter
Lu uppercase letter
M mark
Mc spacing mark
Me enclosing mark
Mn non-spacing mark
N number
Nd decimal number
Nl letter number
No other number
P punctuation
Pc connector punctuation
Pd dash punctuation
Pe close punctuation
Pf final punctuation
Pi initial punctuation
Po other punctuation
Ps open punctuation
S symbol
Sc currency symbol
Sk modifier symbol
Sm math symbol
So other symbol
Z separator
Zl line separator
Zp paragraph separator
Zs space separator
Unicode character class names--scripts (with explanation where non-trivial):
Common characters not specific to one script
Inherited inherit script from previous character
New_Tai_Lue aka Simplified Tai Lue
Vim character classes:
\d digits (== [0-9])
\D not «\d»
\w word character
\W not «\w»
Regular Expression Types and Methods¶
- proc compile(pattern: string, out error: syserr, utf8 = true, posix = false, literal = false, nocapture = false, ignorecase = false, multiline = false, dotnl = false, nongreedy = false): regexp¶
Compile a regular expression. If the optional error argument is provided, this routine will return an error code if compilation failed. Otherwise, it will halt with an error message.
Arguments: - pattern – the string regular expression to compile. See RE2 regular expression syntax reference for details
- error – (optional) if provided, return an error code instead of halting if an error is encountered
- utf8 – (optional, default true) set to true to create a regular expression matching UTF-8; false for binary or ASCII only.
- posix – (optional) set to true to disable non-POSIX regular expression syntax
- literal – (optional) set to true to treat the regular expression as a literal (ie, create a regexp matching pattern as a string rather than as a regular expression).
- nocapture – (optional) set to true in order to disable all capture groups in the regular expression
- ignorecase – (optional) set to true in order to ignore case when matching
- multiline – (optional) set to true in order to activate multiline mode (meaning that ^ and $ match the beginning and end of a line instead of just the beginning and end of the text.
- dotnl – (optional, default false) set to true in order to allow . to match a newline.
- nongreedy – (optional) set to true in order to prefer shorter matches for repetitions; for example, normally x* will match as many x characters as possible and x*? will match as few as possible. This flag swaps the two, so that x* will match as few as possible and x*? will match as many as possible.
- record reMatch¶
The reMatch record records a regular expression search match or a capture group.
Regular expression search routines normally return one of these. Also, this type can be passed as a capture group argument. Lastly, something of type reMatch can be checked for a match in a simple if statement, as in:
var m:reMatch = ...; if m then do_something_if_matched(); if !m then do_something_if_not_matched();
- var matched: bool¶
true if the regular expression search matched successfully
- var offset: int¶
0-based offset into the string or channel that matched; -1 if matched=false
- var length: int¶
the length of the match. 0 if matched==false
- proc string.substring(m: reMatch)¶
This function extracts the part of a string matching a regular expression or capture group. This method is intended to be called on the same string used as the text in a regular expression search.
Arguments: m – a match (e.g. returned by Returns: the portion of this referred to by the match
- record regexp¶
This class represents a compiled regular expression. Regular expressions are currently cached on a per-thread basis and are reference counted. To create a compiled regular expression, use the compile function.
A regexp can be cast to a string (resulting in the pattern that was compiled). A string can be cast to a regexp (resulting in a compiled regexp).
- proc ok: bool¶
did this regular expression compile ?
- proc error(): string¶
Returns: a string describing any error encountered when compiling this regular expression
- proc search(text: ?t, ref captures ...?k): reMatch¶
Search within the passed text for the first match at any offset to this regular expression. This routine will try matching the regular expression at different offsets until a match is found. If you want to only match at the beginning of the pattern, you can start your pattern with ^ and end it with $ or use regexp.match. If a capture group was not matched, the corresponding argument will get the default value for its type.
Arguments: - text – a string to search
- captures – (optional) what to capture from the regular expression. These should be strings or types that strings can cast to.
Returns: an reMatch object representing the offset in text where a match occurred
- proc match(text: ?t, ref captures ...?k): reMatch¶
Check for a match to this regular expression at the start of the passed text. If a capture group was not matched, the corresponding argument will get the default value for its type.
For example, this function can be used to check to see if a string fits a particular template:
if myregexp.match("some string") { do_something_if_matched(); }
Arguments: - text – a string to search
- captures – what to capture from the regular expression. These should be strings or types that strings can cast to.
Returns: an reMatch object representing the offset in text where a match occurred
- iter split(text: ?t, maxsplit: int = 0)¶
Split the text by occurrences of this regular expression. If capturing parentheses are used in pattern, then the text of all groups in the pattern are also returned as part of the resulting array. If maxsplit is nonzero, at most maxsplit splits occur, and the remaining text is returned as the last element.
Arguments: - text – a string to split
- maxsplit – if nonzero, the maximum number of splits to do
Yields: each split portion, one at a time
- iter matches(text: ?t, param captures = 0, maxmatches: int = max(int))¶
Enumerates matches in the string as well as capture groups.
Arguments: - text – the string to search
- captures – (compile-time constant) the size of the captures to return
- maxmatches – the maximum number of matches to return
Yields: tuples of reMatch objects, the 1st is always the match for the whole pattern and the rest are the capture groups.
- proc subn(repl: string, text: ?t, global = true): (string, int)¶
Perform the same operation as regexp.sub but return a tuple containing the new string and the number of substitutions made.
Arguments: - repl – replace matches with this string
- text : string – the text to search and replace within
- global – if true, replace multiple matches
Returns: a tuple containing (new string, number of substitutions made)
- proc sub(repl: string, text: ?t, global = true)¶
Find matches to this regular expression and create a new string in which those matches are replaced by repl.
Arguments: - repl – replace matches with this string
- text : string – the text to search and replace within
- global – if true, replace multiple matches
Returns: the new string
- proc string, ignorecase = false): reMatch¶
Compile a regular expression and search the receiving string for matches at any offset using
Arguments: - needle – the regular expression to search for
- ignorecase – true to ignore case in the regular expression
Returns: an reMatch object representing the offset in the receiving string where a match occurred
- proc regexp, ref captures ...?k): reMatch
Search the receiving string for a regular expression already compiled by calling Search for matches at any offset.
Arguments: - needle – the compiled regular expression to search for
- captures – (optional) what to capture from the regular expression. These should be strings or types that strings can cast to.
Returns: an reMatch object representing the offset in the receiving string where a match occurred
- proc string.match(pattern: regexp, ref captures ...?k): reMatch¶
Match the receiving string to a regular expression already compiled by calling regexp.match. Only return matches where the match encompasses the entire string.
Arguments: - pattern – the compiled regular expression to match
- captures – (optional) what to capture from the regular expression. These should be strings or types that strings can cast to.
Returns: an reMatch object representing the offset in the receiving string where a match occurred
- iter string.split(pattern: regexp, maxsplit: int = 0)¶
Split the the receiving string by occurrences of the passed regular expression by calling regexp.split.
Arguments: - pattern – the regular expression to use to split
- maxsplit – if nonzero, the maximum number of splits to do
Yields: each split portion, one at a time
- iter string.matches(pattern: regexp, param captures = 0, maxmatches: int = max(int))¶
Enumerates matches in the receiving string as well as capture groups by calling regexp.matches.
Arguments: - pattern – the regular expression to find matches
- captures – (compile-time constant) the size of the captures to return
- maxmatches – the maximum number of matches to return
Yields: tuples of reMatch objects, the 1st is always the match for the whole pattern and the rest are the capture groups.