The Chapel developer community is pleased to announce the release of Chapel version 2.3! In this article, we’ll summarize some of the major highlights, including:
Brand-new support for calling to Python from Chapel
Improvements for computing with sparse arrays,
Performance improvements in the tasking and communication aspects of the runtime
New features for GPU programming with Chapel
Advances in the dyno resolver for calls and types
Before we get started, though, a few noteworthy improvements in Chapel 2.3 not covered in this article include:
New atomic min/max operations, including support for network-based implementations
iterator that enumerates the memory allocations made by a locale -
New Linux packages for AmazonLinux 2023 and Fedora 41
Support for ROCm in Chapel’s Spack formula
Support for LLVM 19 as the preferred back-end compiler, resulting in better performance
For a more complete list of changes in Chapel 2.3, please refer to its file. And thanks to everyone who contributed to Chapel 2.3!
Python Interoperability
One of the coolest features of Chapel 2.3 is a new Python
that supports calling from Chapel to Python. This allows Chapel
code to use many popular Python libraries like NumPy and PyTorch
directly. This is a great way to leverage the power of Chapel’s
parallelism and Python’s rich ecosystem of libraries.
As a simple example, this program creates a 2 x 2 PyTorch tensor from Chapel and prints it out:
use Python;
var interp = new Interpreter(),
torch = new Module(interp, "torch"),
tensor = new Function(torch, "tensor");
var T = tensor(owned PyObject, [[1.0,2.0], [3.0,4.0]]);
The [[1.0,2.0], [3.0,4.0]]
argument is a native nested Chapel
array that is copied into the PyTorch tensor. To print out the
tensor, we again call into Python to get its string representation.
This is a simple example, but it shows how easy it is to call into
Python from Chapel.
The other cool feature this enables is the ability to embed Python code in Chapel programs that can then be changed at execution time. This is a powerful way to create dynamic programs that can be modified on the fly. For example, suppose you want to apply a change to each element of an array, but don’t want to have to recompile the program each time you change the operation. You could write a Python function that performs the operation and then call that function from Chapel. Here’s an example:
After compiling this program (see the
for details on how to do this), you can change the func
to any Python lambda function you like on the command-line and
re-run the program.
# increment each element
./myApply --func="lambda x,: x + 1"
# square each element
./myApply --func="lambda x,: x * x"
# zero out even elements
./myApply --func="lambda x,: 0 if x % 2 == 0 else x"
While this support is still a work in progress, it’s a great start that opens up a lot of possibilities for Chapel programmers.
Sparse Computations
Chapel 2.3 continues a recent focus to improve support for sparse computations using Chapel’s domains and arrays. This section summarizes some of these recent advances. But first, we’ll start with some background for those unfamiliar with Chapel’s sparse features.
Background on Sparsity in Chapel
Chapel supports sparse arrays that act like dense rectangular arrays. However, their sparse nature means that they only explicitly store data at a subset of their bounding boxes’ indices (e.g., the non-zeroes in a sparse matrix computation).
Chapel’s approach to sparsity is fairly unique in that it uses domains to represent the non-zero indices of a sparse array, and these domains may be shared by multiple arrays. This supports amortizing the storage of indices, permitting each sparse array to simply store its non-zero values. By default, Chapel stores sparse domains using a Coordinate (COO) storage format, though there are also options to store 2D sparse domains using Compressed Sparse Row or Column formats (CSR/CSC). In addition, Chapel supports distributed sparse arrays by block-distributing the domain’s bounding box, and then storing every locale’s subdomain using COO, CSR, or CSC formats (as specified by the user).
Chapel’s sparse features were not part of the stabilization effort that culminated in Chapel 2.0, due to our intention to make significant usability and implementation improvements rather than just adjustments to existing interfaces. Now that we’re past that milestone release, we’ve turned our attention to improving and stabilizing these features.
Recent Sparse Improvements
Chapel 2.1 and 2.2 contained sparse feature improvements in the form of new convenience methods for iterating over rows/columns of sparse arrays, and for querying or overwriting a single locale’s chunk of a block-distributed sparse array or domain. In addition, we made general orthogonality improvements that caused sparse domain/array features to be more equivalent to their dense counterparts. Though these improvements were not highlighted in this blog’s release announcements, they were summarized in the language/library improvements deck of our release notes for Chapel 2.1 and 2.2 (see slides 13–21).
Chapel 2.3 continues this trend by adding new interfaces in response to user feedback. It also improves sparse naming schemes and layout types to match their dense counterparts, while improving the performance of key idioms.
Specifically, the types used to represent CSR and CSC formats were
renamed from the previous class type, CS(compressRows=true|false)
to a pair of record types, csrLayout
and cscLayout
. In
addition, the module defining the types was renamed from LayoutCS
to CompressedSparseLayout
. All of these changes were done to
improve the clarity of the identifiers, and to unify the approach
with distributions like blockDist
, as well as the modules that
define them, like BlockDist
The following example illustrates Chapel’s sparse features in action using the new identifiers. Specifically, it declares a sparse domain and array representing the main diagonal of an $n \times n$ matrix using CSR storage:
The last loop in this example demonstrates how sparse arrays in Chapel can be accessed as though they were dense—in this case, by iterating over a dense index set and using those indices to print the array out.
Chapel 2.3 also contains a new optimization for inter-locale copies
of CSR/CSC arrays. Previously, such copies required
O(#non-zeroes) communications. Now they only result in a few
transfers regardless of size when compiled with --fast
. Here’s an
example of such a cross-locale copy, along with a demonstration of
some of the recently-added iterators:
Chapel 2.3 adds additional utility routines, including:
method for COO-stored domains that returns an array of tuples representing the non-zeroes’ coordinates -
iterator method for block-sparse arrays that yields each locale’s sub-array, either serially or in parallel. -
method for block-sparse arrays that returns the current locale’s sub-array. This is a convenience method supporting a common case, where previous releases added the ability to query a specific locale’s sub-array.
To see an example of Chapel’s sparse features in action, browse
and the other files in its
which implement local and distributed sparse matrix-matrix
multiplication routines in Chapel—an algorithm that has served as a
testbed and motivator for many of these recent improvements.
Performance Improvements
Beyond the sparse copy optimization mentioned above, Chapel 2.3 includes several additional performance improvements. In this section, we describe two classes of optimizations, both of which involve the Chapel runtime. As such, they have the potential to benefit any program without requiring source changes by the user. The first involves performance improvements for Chapel’s tasking due to a Qthreads update. The second reduces overheads for many idioms when using Libfabric/OFI as the communication layer.
All graphs shown in this section are taken from our nightly performance graphs, which track Chapel performance over time, similar to stock tickers.
Qthreads Tasking Improvements
Parallel tasks in Chapel are typically implemented using the Qthreads lightweight threading library developed by Sandia National Laboratories. Chapel 2.3 includes an upgrade to version 1.21 of Qthreads, which accelerated several tasking idioms. One example of these improvements can be seen in the following thread-ring micro-benchmark, which originated from the Computer Language Benchmarks Game (CLBG):
The Qthreads upgrade also had a noticeable and positive impact on more significant computations, such as studies of proxy applications like SSCA#2, LULESH, MiniMD, and the following CoMD run, gathered on 16 nodes of HPE Apollo:
We greatly appreciate the ongoing support we receive from the Qthreads team, and particularly want to thank Ian Henriksen, who has debugged and fixed a few performance regressions caused by recent upgrades, such as the initial uptick that can be seen in the ‘coforall-begin’ version of the thread-ring benchmark just above.
Optimizations for Libfabric/OFI
Chapel 2.3 also includes several performance improvements for
, which is the Libfabric-based communication layer
Chapel uses when compiling for HPE Cray Supercomputing EX systems
and the HPE Slingshot interconnect. All of the improvements
described in this section relate to the use of non-blocking PUTs and
GETs to improve ofi
The first optimization noticeably improves remote cache performance by pipelining PUTs, as seen [note: Note that the graphs in this section are performance graphs, so higher is better, unlike the execution time graphs of the previous section.], which measures the HPCC Random Access (RA) benchmark on 16 nodes of HPE Cray SC EX using a GET-update-PUT approach:
We also used non-blocking PUTs to improve the performance of on
statements, because the target locale must do a PUT of a “done”
indicator back to the initiating locale when the on
completes. As of Chapel 2.3, this PUT no longer blocks the task on
the target locale, allowing it to service other requests more
quickly. The resulting performance improvement can be seen in this
next version of HPCC RA, which uses an on
-statement to fire off a
remote task to perform the update on the locale where the target
element lives:
Finally, Chapel 2.3 improves the performance of large array
transfers using non-blocking GETs for ofi
. Large transfers that
exceed the maximum message size of the underlying network fabric
must be fragmented into smaller GETs. The use of non-blocking GETS
in such cases allows these smaller GETs to be performed in parallel,
increasing throughput. The effect can be seen in the improvement to
the ‘1/4 mem array’ line on this graph:
While the timings in this section were run on an HPE Cray EX, we
expect similar performance improvements on other platforms that use
, such as AWS using EFA.
New GPU Features
Readers of this blog will know that a recent focus area for Chapel has been to support vendor-neutral GPU computing. GPU improvements continued at steady pace in Chapel 2.3, as described in this section.
This release adds two new features for querying information about
GPUs. The
method on GPU sublocales provides a functionality similar to .id
on locales by returning the ID of a given GPU sublocale within its
host locale. This enables symmetric idioms between inter-node and
inter-GPU parallelism:
const numGpusPerNode = here.gpus.size;
coforall loc in Locales do on loc {
coforall gpu in here.gpus do on gpu {
const globId = * numGpusPerNode + gpu.gpuId;
Prior to the 2.3 release, we had to write the inner coforall-loop to
zipper between here.gpus
and here.gpus.domain
to obtain IDs,
which was redundant and different than the outer coforall. Note that
returns the GPU’s position in the parent locale’s gpus
array, which may differ from the device ID reported by vendor APIs
when co-locales are used. Chapel 2.3 also has a new
function to query lower-level GPU properties.
Beyond these new queries, Chapel 2.3 makes further improvements to
attribute introduced in Chapel 2.2. This attribute enables mapping
multiple iterations of a loop onto a single thread. However, the
previous support was limited to mapping a contiguous chunk of
iterations onto a thread. Such a mapping may not be desirable in
some scenarios, since it may lead to sub-optimal memory access
patterns. With Chapel 2.3, the @gpu.itersPerThread
accepts a flag to switch to cyclic mapping. With this mapping,
neighboring threads will receive neighboring iterations, potentially
resulting in higher memory throughput. This is illustrated in the
following example, along with the default blocked mapping:
on here.gpus[0] {
foreach i in 1..100 {
// we will get 100/10=10 threads
// thread 0 will run 1..10
// thread 1 will run 11..20 ...
@gpu.itersPerThread(10, cyclic=true)
foreach i in 1..100 {
// we will get 100/10 = threads again
// thread 0 will run i=1, 11, 21 ...
// thread 1 will run i=2, 12, 22 ...
In this release cycle, we have also been working on improving the
internal implementation to enable halting when GPU support is
enabled, and to provide distributed arrays across GPUs. While
Chapel 2.3 has prototype support for 0-argument halt()
it is still a work in progress. Stay tuned!
Dyno Compiler Improvements
In recent years, our team has been working hard on an effort named dyno to revamp the Chapel compiler. The goals are to improve compile time, support interactive programming tools, and make it easier to write programs that process Chapel source code. This effort has already produced quite a few results:
more user-friendly error messages with
linter -
the Chapel Language Server (CLS), which works with editors such as VS Code, Vim, or Emacs to provide interactive feedback while programming
The next major milestone for the dyno effort is to finish the new
incremental type and call resolver. This resolver is already
available for use in an experimental way from the Chapel Language
Server. In the 2.3 release, this new resolver has seen significant
advances in support for promoted expressions, iterators, and
domains. Stay tuned as we complete the effort and wire up the chpl
compiler to use it in forthcoming releases.
For More Information
If you have questions about Chapel 2.3 or its new features, please reach out on Chapel’s Discourse group or one of our other community forums. As ever, we’re interested in feedback on how we can make the Chapel language, libraries, implementation, and tools more useful to you.