The Chapel developer community is happy to announce the release of Chapel version 2.2! In this blog, we’ll summarize some of the key highlights, including improvements to Chapel libraries, key optimizations for array computing, and improved GPU support. Other notable improvements in Chapel 2.2 not covered in this article include:

For a more complete list of changes in Chapel 2.2, please refer to its file. And thanks to everyone who contributed to Chapel 2.2!

Library Improvements

Now that we are well past the Chapel 2.0 release, our team has been putting more attention into adding and improving Chapel libraries. Here are some of the notable library-based capabilities added in Chapel 2.2:


Chapel’s Sort module was promoted to a standard module in this release, due to the many improvements that were made to its features and interfaces. As examples, we have added a new stable-sort feature (in the sense of preserving the ordering of items with equal keys, not the stability of the routine itself), while also improving the mechanisms by which a user can specify comparators for a given type or call to sort(). See the Sort module’s latest documentation for details on these changes and others.

Image Files

The Image module that was introduced in Chapel’s June release has now been extended to support JPEG and PNG image formats. In addition, where it could only be used to write images in Chapel 2.1, it can now read them as well. Finally, new routines have been added to convert between color and pixel values. Learn more in the Image module documentation.

Custom Class Allocators

This release includes a brand-new library-based capability in which users can create custom memory allocators, and then use them to allocate class objects. Beyond the general capability, this new module also includes a couple of pre-defined allocators that support different memory allocation strategies. To learn more about these capabilities, see the documentation for the Allocators module.


Chapel 2.2 includes a number of I/O-related improvements, including:

 use IO;

 const infile = openReader("file.txt");

 forall line in infile.lines(targetLocales=Locales, stripNewline=true) do
   writeln("Locale ",, " read: ", line);
 use PrecisionSerializer;

 const arr = [1.123456789, 2.123456789, 3.123456789, 4.123456789],
       fourPaddedDigits = new precisionSerializer(precision=3, padding=9);

 // prints: '    1.123     2.123     3.123     4.123'

Array Optimizations

Chapel 2.2 includes several new optimizations for key computational patterns involving arrays, described in the following sections.

Optimized Array Slice Assignments

The first optimization greatly improves the performance of assignments between array slices, as in the following example:

config const n = 10;

const D = {1..n, 1..n};
var A, B: [D] real;
B = [(i,j) in D] (i-1) + (j-1)/10.0;

A[1..9, 1..9] = B[2..10, 2..10];  // copy between sub-arrays of A and B
A[10, ..] = B[3, ..];             // copy row 3 of B to row 10 of A


Traditionally, for rank-preserving and rank-changing slices like these, Chapel has created a new pseudo-array, called an array view, that aliases the original array’s data, permitting it to act like a normal array. For an assignment like the above, once we’ve created the array views, we’d simply call the normal array assignment operator, passing them as arguments, and then destroy the views afterwards.

The new optimization in Chapel 2.2, called Array View Elision (AVE), avoids the creation of the array views by specializing the assignment to simply restrict it to the indices in question. This eliminates the need to create and destroy the array views. AVE helps address longstanding requests from Chapel users who had been replacing elegant slice assignments like the ones above with explicit loops to avoid the array view overheads.

The result can have a profound impact on performance, particularly for small slices where the creation of the slice view can vastly outweigh the time required to perform the assignment of the array elements. For example, on desktop systems, we saw a 30x improvement for 10-element array copies. In a 2D shared-memory Poisson solver, the optimization improved the boundary update step, reducing the execution time of each timestep by ~18% for a 256x256 problem size. Meanwhile, a distributed-memory 2D heat equation solver saw an improvement of ~4x for various problem sizes between 4 million and 270 million elements.

Stencil Optimizations

Another pair of optimizations in Chapel 2.2 helps with stencil computations—like the aforementioned Poisson and heat equation solvers—when applied to stencil-distributed arrays.

In the first optimization, the compiler recognizes stencil access patterns, like A[i+1,j], and optimizes for the common case where these accesses don’t require communicating with other locales. This optimization is enabled by the fact that stencil-distributed arrays store extra rows and columns of [note:Also known as ghost cells, halos, or overlap regions in the literature.] elements that cache neighboring locales’ values. This eliminates the overhead that’s typically incurred when accessing a distributed array to determine whether the element is local or must be fetched from a remote locale’s memory. The resulting performance matches the use of explicit A.localAccess(i+1,j) calls, which permit programmers to assert that a given access is local to the current locale; yet using the more convenient A[i+1,j] syntax.

The second optimization reduced overheads in the .updateFluff() method for such arrays, which refreshes the fluff values to match the array values they are caching. The effect of these two optimizations can be seen when zooming in on one of our nightly performance graphs that tracks the performance of the distributed 2D heat equation solver mentioned above:

Impact of new optimizations on a 5-point stencil

Impact of new optimizations on a 5-point stencil

As can be seen, once the compiler began optimizing stencil accesses, the performance of the version using normal array accesses [note:Note that the original optimization also introduced an unintentional performance regression for stencils on block-distributed arrays, which we fixed upon noticing it.] the one using explicit .localAccess() calls. Then, when .updateFluff() was optimized, both versions improved further.

Domain Localization Optimization

A third array-based optimization in Chapel 2.2 applies when copying a local array from one locale to another. For example:

on Locales.last {
  var localA = A;  // make a local copy of A on this locale
  // compute with 'localA'

Traditionally, patterns like this have been unnecessarily expensive in Chapel, requiring communication back to A’s locale for each operation performed on localA. The reason for this was that even though localA was local, the domain describing its indices, D, was stored back on the original locale and needed to be accessed for things like bounds queries.

The optimization applied in Chapel 2.2 is a simple one: In cases like this where the domain is sufficiently constant, we now make a local copy of the domain as well, essentially transforming the original code into the following (which performance-minded programmers have used in the past to avoid these excess communications):

on Locales.last {
  const localD = D;
  var localA: [localD] A.eltType = A;
  // ...compute with 'localA'...

In the example shown above, D is declared to be const, trivially enabling this optimization to fire. In practice, the optimization can eliminate an arbitrary amount of communication, since each operation on localA would result in communication back to the original locale. This is also a good reminder of the importance of declaring domains to be const when their index sets won’t be changing over the domain’s lifetime.

Array Reuse Optimization

The final optimization applies when initializing one array using another where the two arrays have the same index sets, but distinct domains. A common case where this comes up is when declaring and assigning between arrays using anonymous domains, as in the following example:

proc genTriple(): [1..3] real {
  var trip: [1..3] real = [1.2, 3.4, 5.6];
  return trip;

var myTriple: [1..3] real = genTriple();

Prior to this optimization, the declaration of myTriple would result in a new array allocation and a copy of genTriple()’s returned trip array into it. However, with the new optimization, myTriple can simply re-use, or steal, trip’s buffer, [note: In fact, this optimization also eliminates a second array allocation and copy for this program—used to store the array being returned by genTriple() into a temporary variable. With this optimization, trip can similarly be stolen by that temporary array, further reducing array memory allocations and copies.].

For a single, small array like this, the benefits may be minimal; but for the large arrays that are commonly used in Chapel, the impact can be significant. For example, the green lines on the following graph from our nightly trackers capture the improvement that took place for computations like the one above when using a 40-million-element array once this optimization was added on September 10th:

Impact of Chapel 2.2’s new array re-use optimization

Impact of Chapel 2.2’s new array re-use optimization

In data-intensive cases, such as recursive procedures returning big arrays, this optimization can significantly reduce a program’s overall memory footprint, allowing it to run to completion rather than running out of memory.

GPU Improvements

Chapel 2.2 introduces new GPU programming improvements as well, such as new GPU-oriented attributes.

The @assertOnGpu attribute has been an important debugging tool for many users since the early days of Chapel’s GPU support, to ensure that a parallel computation executes on a GPU as expected. As powerful as it is, it does have its limitations. Most importantly, @assertOnGpu requires that code is always executed on the GPU, meaning the same code can’t be used on the CPU. This significantly hinders code reuse between CPUs and GPUs. To address this limitation, Chapel 2.2 introduces @gpu.assertEligible to assert that a statement is suitable for GPU execution, without requiring it to be executed on a GPU. This is a much more light-handed approach; for example, the code below can be run on a CPU or a GPU:

const target = if here.gpus.size > 0 then here.gpus[0] else here;

on target {
  var Arr: [1..1_000_000] int;

  foreach elem in Arr do
    elem += 1;

  writeln(+ reduce Arr);

Another attribute we introduced with Chapel 2.2 is @gpu.itersPerThread. By default, Chapel uses a GPU thread per iteration for a GPU-eligible loop. However, in some applications this leads to suboptimal performance, where mapping multiple iterations to a single GPU thread can be preferable. Here’s a quick example of how this attribute can be used in such scenarios:

on here.gpus[0] {
  foreach i in 1..1000 {
    // will run using 1000 GPU threads

  foreach i in 1..1000 {
    // will run using 100 GPU threads

The @gpu.itersPerThread attribute currently divides the iteration space into blocks. In future releases, we plan to add more knobs to control thread-to-iteration mapping.

Chapel 2.2 also features many improvements for high-end HPC systems with GPUs. Chapel’s co-locales, first introduced in Chapel 1.32, can now be used with GPUs. This enables significantly better affinity in systems with multiple GPUs per node, such as Frontier or Perlmutter. Chapel 2.2 is also the first release to support ROCm 6, which is key for enabling Chapel programs to target AMD’s MI300A APUs that will power El Capitan. Last but not least, we have resolved a user-reported performance bug where GPU kernels running on multiple GPUs per node were unnecessarily synchronized, creating arbitrary slowdowns.

For more information about Chapel on GPUs, please refer to our ongoing GPU Programming in Chapel blog series or the GPU Programming tech note.

For More Information

If you have questions about Chapel 2.2 or its new features, please reach out on Chapel’s Discourse community or one of our other community forums. As always, we’re interested in feedback on how we can make the Chapel language, libraries, implementation, and tools more useful to you.